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再说他还是你的救命恩人。After all he was your savior.

再说他还是你的救命恩人。It is normal that he love you.

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他为他的恩人争了很多面子。He did much credit to his patrons.

你当他是你恩人之一吗?Do you rate him among your benefactors?

他把老人看作他的救命恩人。He thought of the old man as his lifesaver.

这就是我和我的救命恩人之间的故事。This is the story between me and my savior.

他不仅是我的宠物狗,也是我的救命恩人。He is not only my pet dog, but also my savior.

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你不要觉得我烦,毕竟我是你的救命恩人。Do not think i bother, after all, i am your savior.

不过,他终于找到了那个匿名的恩人,那就是葛拉齐亚。He did, however, discover his anonymous benefactor.

仙人掌是行走在茫茫沙漠中行者的救命恩人。Cactus is a walking entrants in the vast desert savior.

起先他是我的救命恩人---我当时靠偷东西吃活命。He was my savior at first—I was stealing food to survive.

心中没有上帝的人,也不会记住他的恩人。He that will forget God, will also forget his benefactors.

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阿克巴设法让韦尔派恩人加入同盟。Ackbar managed to convince the Verpine to join the Alliance.

一提到麦凯恩人们首先想到的一个词就是“年事已高”。The word that people most associate with Mr McCain is “old”.

从一个不同的角度来看,信用是经济的救命恩人。From a different vantage, credit was an economic white knight.

这是一幅名家的手笔,一幅价值连城的作品,我的恩人!A painting by a master, a picture of great value, my benefactor!

李先生不但是学校的功臣,并且是我们的救命恩人。Mr. Li is not only the school's benefactor, but also our savior.

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现在你们的恩人正在敲我目前居留地的门呢。Now, your benefactor is knocking on the door I currently reside.

这么一来,那位姑娘可不只是我的恩人,还是我的再生父母。In this way, the girl can not just my friend, and my second parents.

天主保佑您,我的慷慨的恩人!"May God requite it to you, my generous benefactor!" said Jondrette.