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想要捍卫爱情,就别当善男信女。Don't be a nice person if you want to safeguard your relationship.

在美丽的午后,善男信女落座于各自的位置。Everyonetakes his or her seat and settles in for a lovely afternoon.

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进入寺庙之后,善男信女们将祭品供奉于诸神面前。Entering the temple, the worshippers placed their gifts before the gods.

玉莲寺善男信女众多,香火鼎盛。The jade lotus temple good believes is numerous, the joss stick is vigorous.

写有符咒的黄色纸张被善男信女们当做趋吉避凶的精神支撑。Yellow paper with magic incantations is regarded by superstitious people as a means to expel evil spirits.

由善男信女王公贵族出资凿造的石窟塑像和壁画,使得麦积山成为中国著名的佛教四大石窟之一。There, devout notables sponsored statues and murals that became one of China’s four largest Buddhist cave complexes.

并将腊八粥赠送给门徒及善男信女们,以后便在民间相沿成俗。Laba porridge and will be presented to the disciples and the believers, it would be in civil Xiangyan into the vulgar.

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一千四百年间,经过无数能工巧匠、善男信女的历代踵修,终于建成了庞大的佛教。After 1,400 years of reconstruction and refurbishment by countless artisans and pilgrims, it finally became an enormous.

灵峰寺也真诚的欢迎国内外的朋友、善男信女的光临、指导。Sincerely welcome the friends as well as devout men and women from both here and abroad to come and to provide guidance.

当我下车的时候,我注意到善男信女们边走进教堂边小声议论着什么。I noticed as I got out of my car that fellow church members were whispering among themselves as they walked into the church.

但羡花却不认同,指护士是专业不能夸大病情,又指志明绝非善男信女。But envy flowers but not identity, refers to the nurse professional dont exaggerate your illness, and refers to the chi Ming is transformation.

这使我想到麦积山艺术,显然是佛教善男信女们崇拜的偶像,却又对我们提供了适应我们兴趣的审美价值。This brings me to the Maijishan art, it is clear that men and women are Buddhist idol, but for us to provide our interest to adapt to the aesthetic value.

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这座庙隐蔽、神秘,是善男信女解脱尘世烦恼、祈福消灾的绝好去处。This temple hiding, is mystical, is the Buddhism believers extricates this mortal world worry, prays disappears the disaster exceedingly good destination.

年间,经过无数能工巧匠、善男信女的历代踵修,终于建成了庞大的佛教禅林和文化圣地。After 1,400 years of reconstruction and refurbishment by countless artisans and pilgrims, it finally became an enormous Buddhist temple and cultural Mecca.

数百年来,这个仪式都从午夜开始,寺庙里挂满纸糊的灯笼和甘蔗象征着兴旺和更新,人们供奉食物和鲜花,感谢玉皇大帝保佑善男信女。As it has for centuries, the ceremony begins at midnight. The shrine is decorated with paper lanterns and sugar cane, a symbol of growth and transformation.

长期以来,香火旺盛,善男信女们自发的维护寺庙,使寺庙历经各个朝代一直延续至今。Long time, buddhas are worshipped widely, devout men and women protect the monastery spontaneously, so she lasts till today although experienced kind of difficulties.

面对着栩栩如生、惟妙惟肖的饰金大佛,多少善男信女焚香化纸,口念“南无”,虔诚地顶礼膜拜,寄托人生的期冀。The face of life, vividly decorated in gold Buddha, the number of Buddhists burning incense paper, I read "non-Southern", devotion worship, hoping sustenance of life.

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在寺庙里,在佛菩萨面前经常会看到许多善男信女跪在那儿卜卦,乞求神佛赐予财富、好运或者请示某些俗事的处理方向。In the temple, believers, both male and female, are seen to do divinations before Buddha and Bodhisattva, praying for fortune, good luck or the instruction of worldly affairs.

千百年来,人们视公母山为圣地,常有善男信女前来求神拜佛烧香化纸,祈祷保佑合家平安,子孙昌盛、从古到今还演一出许多传说。Over thousands of years, people have regarded the Mt. Male and the Mt. Female as holy place and come to burn incenses and pray for blessings. Here it has evolved a lot of legends.

向远处望去,玉佛寺上方一住轻烟缓慢地飘向天空,它带去了善男信女们的梦想,也带去了我的美好愿望—能成为地道的中国人。In the distance, above the famous Jade Buddha Temple a column of clear, incense smoke rose steadily upward to the sky, carrying the dreams of many believers and my hope of becoming more Chinese.