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这些细节描述令他惊喜不已。The detail thrilled him.

它在那正在暗下去的芦苇丛中摇晃不已。Rocking in darkening reeds.

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他悲痛不已。He was prostrated with grief.

海伦她母亲的耳朵疼痛不已。Helen's mother got an earache.

他讲的那个机智的玩笑令大家兴奋不已。His clever joke stimulated us.

他还开始变得沮丧不已。De Koff also became despondent.

穿靴猫一时惊吓不已。Puss was startled for a moment.

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她为她死去的孩子哀痛不已。She is mourning her dead child.

世人对他真是称羡不已。He was very much admired indeed.

他胳膊抽搐,胸口绞痛不已。His arm throbs. His chest hurts.

如今,犯了大错,我深深懊悔不已。Now, a mistake, I deeply regret.

地震使房屋摇晃不已。The earthquake rocked the houses.

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但同时我又为此感到兴奋不已。But, at the same time, I was jazzed.

爱,使你惊奇不已。Love keeps you continually wondering.

如今,大错既成,我深深懊悔不已。Now, big mistake is, I deeply regret.

他们认为生命是轮回不已的。They deem that life is transmigrated.

我们和赫克托耳一起抽着大麻烟,兴奋不已。We smoke with Hector and get so high.

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他悲愤交加,心痛不已。His heart ached with anger and sorrow.

她为额外的奖金而雀跃不已。She was thrilled with the extra bonus.

他们对那美丽的花园赞赏不已。They admired the beauty of the garden.