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门捷列夫玩牌。Mendeleev played cards.

他玩牌总是作弊。He always cheats at cards.

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他玩牌总是出老千。He always cheats at cards.

永远别为赌钱而玩牌。Never play cards for money.

我那会儿常和他一起玩牌。I used to play with him a lot.

或者通过玩牌认识朋友呢?Or having friends over to play cards?

你可以参加玩牌,凑一个怎么样?You may join the game, shall I deal you in?

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合玩牌九,筒子杠麻将二八杠等。In game nine, the bobbin bar mahjong two eight.

在我们玩牌时他一直乱出主意,多嘴多舌。He never stopped kibitzing when we played cards.

不敦朴妻子的家伙玩牌也耍赖。Guy who'd cheat on his wife would cheat at cards.

“你会看到很多人在玩牌和放风筝”。You would see people playing cards and flying kites.

还有,要懂得学会利用玩牌时的座次!Also, to know how to learn to use the order of seats!

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约翰和他私下坐下来玩牌,并诈骗他。John sat down with him in private to cards and pigeoned him.

星期三通常是你跟马丁玩牌的日子。Wednesday used to be your day for playing cards with Martin.

从前,教会禁止舞蹈和玩牌。In earlier days, the church proscribed dancing and card playing.

当所有玩牌者出完牌之后,所有纸牌的牌面都将公布出来。After each player has played a card, all cards are exposed at once.

在阿姆斯特丹的赌场里玩牌时,我认识了格雷格。It was while playing poker at the Amsterdam casino that I met Greg.

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玩牌很难,可是一旦你学会怎样处理各种状况,你就会进步。It’s tough, but when you learn to deal with the situation, you grow.

小敏的妈妈不断喜欢玩牌赌钱,欠下了不少债。XiaoMin mother continuously like playing CARDS, owes a lot of betting debts.

我们一般一边聊天一边打麻将或玩牌什么的。We generally play Mah-jong or cards together while chatting at the same time.