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这是一个潜移默化的过程——你的的确确是在构思接口,而且是以一种渐进的方式。You're also doing it incrementally.

卡利什说,塞拉斯“的方向是潜移默化的。Kalish says that Sellars' direction is subtle.

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他妻子对改进他举止言谈有潜移默化的影响。His wife has had a civilizing influence on him.

他妻子对改进他言谈举止有潜移默化的影响。His wife has had a civilizing influence on him.

也许这是潜移默化的缘故吧。Mayde this is what call influence imperceptibly.

同时,还潜移默化地影响着各种研究。And it has also, subliminally, affected research.

西方文化潜移默化的渗入了每一个领域。Western culture penetratrates ours every fields gradualy.

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我在学校只学过很少的语法,其他都是在潜移默化中习得的。I learnt a little grammar at school and the rest by osmosis.

重视诗歌、乐教对思想感情潜移默化的影响。It emphasizes the effect of poem and music on the idea and mind.

英国就是潜移默化地成为日不落帝国的。The British Empire became a world empire in a total absent-mindedness.

它不仅能改变你的心情,也会潜移默化改变你的生活。It is not only can change your mood, will also exerts a change your life.

电影对观众潜移默化,慢慢地形成了情感投资。The film sneaks up on the audience, slowly building emotional investment.

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因为我不能潜移默化的,在我准备写的作品里运用你的旋律或歌词。That way, I cannot subconsciously, use your ideas in any song I might write.

在这个行业不会发生与新闻、音乐、书籍一样的剧变,而是一种潜移默化式的改变。Change will come, but it won’t happen as quickly as it is with music, news, or books.

南方的骚灵音乐又或是福音音乐整日整日地从老旧的收音机传出,并将我潜移默化。Southern soul and gospel played on the radio all day long, giving me my music education.

因为通过解决老板的这些问题,你能潜移默化地影响他/她来帮助你的工作。Because by solving the boss' concerns, you subtly influence him or her to work more on yours.

潜在课程是学生潜移默化、无声无息获得的主要是非学术性经验。Hidden curriculum is the non-academic experience that students obtain silently and imperceptibly.

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这是一种足以让孙子以降的战略家们感到自豪的潜移默化之功。This was subtle influence of the sort that would have made strategists from Sun Tzu onward proud.

除了自身的文学素养,韦尔蒂的成功也得益于南方民间口头文学的潜移默化。Besides her own literary attainments, Welty has profited from the Southern customs of storytelling.

郁达夫的审美情趣与创作风格,显然都受到了感伤主义文学潜移默化的影响。Sentimental literature exerted a subtle influence on Yu Dafu's esthetic interest and writing style.