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又着力宣传佛理,阐述对佛教教义的解悟。He explained the Buddhist theory of doctrine.

此次展览着力表现贺军的“功夫”艺术。This exhibition will show us his "Kung Fu Arting".

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文艺作品中应当着力塑造典型化人物。Literary works should focus on portraying typical people.

TERAOKA包装用胶带具有高度有效的粘着力。TERAOKA's Packing Tapes exhibit highly effective adhesion.

现在让我们来看看新系列着力刻画的四个公会。Now for the guilds that are the focal point of this first set.

这种更加严格的政策现在看来似乎正在着力实施。This more stringent strategy now seems to be coming to fruition.

最佳途径是着力建设法治政府。The beat way is to give all-out support to build legal government.

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最佳途径是着力建设法治政府。The best way is to give all-out support to build legal government.

他们必须与消费者进行感情上的沟通,并着力打造强有力的品牌优势。They need to connect emotionally and forge a strong brand position.

作者着力塑造的也是燕青、乐和等聪敏、机灵的人物。Focus is on shaping Yan Qing, music and so intelligent, smart person.

其四,提出了实施全面风险成本管理目前应着力解决的不足。Finally it points out the Risk-cost management problem in TCM practice.

着力解决了教学素材库的教学性和规范性问题。It resolves the teaching and criterions of the teaching materials store.

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文章着力在该领域整理出一条清晰的线索供将来研究之用。The paper strives to neaten a clear clue of this field for future study.

我们着力降低国家的赤字,这也是其中的原因之一。It’s one of the reasons why we’re working to reduce our nation’s deficit.

阐述了由振实法测定的粉末的粘着力和流动性。The adhesion and flowability of powders are measured by tamping vibration.

但史学界对肃奸问题研究着力不够。The study of Chinese history pays insufficient attention to traitor-purge.

画面力图表现大虚大实。以画山石的笔墨来着力刻画树如人性的生命状态。The artist applies the skill of rock painting to the portrait of men's lives.

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在张洁作品的整个创作中,着力最多的是对爱情的描写。Zhang Jie work in the creation, focus on the most is the description of love.

着力优化项目建设的软硬件环境。Exert oneself optimizes the soft hardware environment that the project builds.

其他的公司目前也着力于研究对血液和脊液成份的检测技术。Other companies are working on tests for substances in blood and spinal fluid.