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他们乐呵呵地跟你打招呼。They'd greet you with a grin.

“你好,托比,”她乐呵呵地说。“Hello, Toby, ” she said brightly.

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他总是乐呵呵的,从不分担父母亲的忧愁。He always happy and never shared his parents' worries.

毫无悬念,乐呵呵的一伙想要快乐。Not surprisingly, the cheerful bunch wanted to be happy.

“就牛仔而言,我舞跳得很好,”他乐呵呵告诉她。“"I dance rather well for a cowboy, " he told her amusedly.

阿姨们跟张阿姨打趣,张阿姨乐呵呵擦汗。Zhang aunt aunt who told jokes, Zhang aunt cheerfully wipe.

“小心不要被割伤,”导游陶乐呵呵地提醒道。"Careful not to cut yourselves, " Tao shouted out cheerily.

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一位乐呵呵的男子和他们坐在一起吃着饭,“你好,茱莉亚。A cheery man was sitting and eating with them. “Hello Julia.

他是一个乐呵呵的人,但周一早上却是一副可怜相。He’s a cheerful guy, but Monday morning found him miserable.

威尔逊先生今天怎么不乐呵呵的了?Mr. Wilson isn't in one of his 'ho-ho-ho' moods today, is he?

他总是乐呵呵的,一直全身心地扑在工作上。He was always cheerful and devoted himself heart and soul to his work.

不过她倒是个乐呵呵的女人,谁说起她都觉得她不错。And yet she was a happy woman, and a woman whom no one named without good-will.

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下午1点钟,张大娘乐呵呵地起身回家做饭。At 1 p. m. , Grannie Zhang cheerfully stood up and went home to make something to eat.

王先生整天乐呵呵的。毕竟,人逢喜事精神爽啊。Mr. Wang is very happy all day long. After all, a merry heart makes a cheerful countenance.

不仅饭菜可口,而且他们老是那么兴高采烈的,我们在他们的感染下也都乐呵呵的。The food is great, and they are always in such good spirits that they make us feel good too.

他看见他们两人手挽着手乐呵呵地在公园散步,看见他们在露天咖啡厅聊得很开心,看见他们在灯光朦胧的夜店翩翩起舞,看见他们非常愉快地享受着各种活动。He saw them enjoying themselves at an outdoor cafe. He saw them dancing in a dimly lit nightclub.

在孩子的心中,圣诞老人的形象就是一个胖胖的乐呵呵的老爷爷,裹着红衣服,戴着红帽子,有大把长长的白胡子。In kids' mind, Santa Claus is a fat jolly old man with a red suit, red hat and a long white beard.

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迈克尔总是乐呵呵的,你总能听到他说些积极上进的话。Michael is the kind of guy you love to hate. He is always in a good mood and always has something positive to say.

他乐呵呵地劝阻开了双方,方式就好比一位和蔼的叔叔拉开了一对吵架的小孩,而后就消失了。He cheerfully remonstrated with both parties as a benevolent uncle might do with a pair of quarrelling children and then disappeared.

秦妈见了便对秦冰说,她在这抱着包乐呵呵的,可是关海却得省吃俭用几个月,还说这样的日子是不能长久的。Qin Ma saw said to Qin Bing, she in this holding the package of good mood, but belt pass a few months, also said that day is not long.