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这显然意味着对苹果没有征购足够的税收。No, it obviously means that Apple isn't being taxed enough.

我们对于施工、征购、安装和主要工程的承包方面也积累了丰富的经验。We also have expertise on engineering, procurement, installation and commission major projects.

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多亏了这家当地器官征购组织——卜罗来纳捐献机构,其他许多人也已被找到并受到邀请。Thanks to Carolina Donor Services, a local organ-procurement organization, many others had been located and invited.

国家征购合同之外的粮食可以投放市场,其价格可随行就市。Grain outside the state purchasing contract can be put on the market and its price can fluctuate along with market changes.

这些抗议者们认为该项目耗资过大,且要征购太多的私人房地产,拆毁香港地界内大量的传承建筑。They think it is too expensive, will involve the forced purchase of too much private property and will demolish too much of the territory's heritage.

宋人通常把置场收购视为比较公平合理的交易方式,且往往将之作为制止强制性征购的一种手段。Peopled that time usually regard the kind of purchase as the comparatively fair and reasonable style of trade, and make it a mean to compulsory purchase.

要解决该问题必须进行土地征用制度改革,由政府按照市场公平原则向农民集体征购土地,实行统一的土地征购制度。In order to solute this problem, land-levying policy reform should be carried out, land should be levied from peasants on the basis of fair rule by government.

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例如粮食的征购,只要把战略问题和全局问题摆开来,就可以得到解决。Take for example, the collection of public grain. If we make clear to everyone the strategic importance and the overall situation, we shall be able to accomplish the task.

后来,一个通过世界银行实行的土地征购计划缓解了在解决财产权问题上的压力,使宪法谈判能够集中于其他问题。Later, a land buy-out scheme with World Bank support relieved the pressure to resolve the property rights issue, allowing subsequent constitutional talks to focus on other matters.

通过资料的收集整理、文献分析,在明确界定公共利益范围的基础上,提出了构建土地征购制的设想,并初步建立了一套土地征购体系。Based on a clear definition of the scope of public benefit, this paper puts forward the idea of land requisition by purchase system and sets up an elementary land requisition by purchase system.