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您认得这签字吧?You know that signature?

他已在口供上签字画押。He has signed his confession.

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他签字放弃了一切权利。He signed away all his rights.

我们还不能在左券上签字。We can't sign the contract yet.

什么是“帐户签字人”?What is an "account signatory"?

您预备签字挂帐吗?Would you like to sign for that?

他在文件上签字加封。He signed and sealed the document.

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它是用一个不同的标记签字的。It was signed with a different mark.

香港是其中的一个签字国。Hong Kong is one of those signatories.

当然了。我几个星期前就签字了。Yes, of course. I signed up weeks ago.

申报地点、日期及授权签字人的签字Place and date, signature of authorized

那您填一下这张表。然后在这儿签字。Please fill in this form and sign here.

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蜜斯,主须送洗衣服单上签字。Please sign on the laundry list, madam.

请仔细阅读后再签字。Please read it carefully before signing.

填一张请假申请单,我给你签字。Fill an absence form, and I will sign it.

请在存款凭条上签字。Please sign your name on the deposit slip.

她签字把她的房子过户给她的女儿。She signed her house over to her daughter.

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中国是该条约首批签字国之一。China was among the first signatory states.

好的。那您填一下这张表。然后在这儿签字。OK. Please fill in this form and sign here.

授权签字人的角色是?What is the role of authorised signatories?