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随后帷幕落下。Then the curtain falls.

帷幕降下,树丛间掌声雷动。Applause is sweeping through the trees.

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上海世博会即将拉开帷幕。The Shanghai World Expo will open soon.

正式计时赛于星期日拉开帷幕。The official timed race began on Sunday.

“立春”拉开了春季的帷幕。Start of Spring lifts the curtain of spring.

他们用一块帷幕把房间隔开。They partitioned the room off with a curtain.

再过两个星期,上海世博会就要拉开帷幕。The Shanghai World Expo will open in two weeks.

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帷幕拉开,显出暗沉沉的舞台。The curtains opened to reveal a darkened stage.

雅典奥运会已经落下帷幕。The purdah of the Athens Olympic Games has fallen.

一种巧克力色的帷幕从天上挂下来。A great chocolate-coloured pall lowered over heaven.

粘土固化注浆帷幕对渗滤液的抗渗性能。Permeability of clay-solidified grouting curtain to leachate.

莉莉好的。那包裹在瑞士馆外的那层红色帷幕是什么?像面纱一样。Lily OK, whats the red skin of the pavilion? Just like a veil.

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北京前门大街重建工作于2007年5月9日拉开帷幕。Redevelopment work in Qianmen Street kicked off in May 9, 2007.

新年的钟声就要敲响,2010年的帷幕即将拉开。The New Year's bell is about to ring, and 2010 will soon begin.

在庄严的国歌声中,开学典礼正式拉开了帷幕。The opening ceremony started with the national anthem of China.

帷幕启开时,我们看到了台上的演员。As the curtains were pulled apart, we saw the actors on the stage.

国际啤酒技术展在周四落下帷幕。The International Exhibition of Beer Technology ended on Thursday.

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帷幕开启,展现在观众面前的是令人眼花缭乱的豪华布景和灯光。The curtain opened on a dazzling display of snazz and bright lights.

依稀的树影,跟那夕阳映红的帷幕!Reflect with that setting sun according to the sparse tree red purdah!

你在格里姆斯发现分隔实相的帷幕变得非常薄。You see the veil that separates realities is very thin at Grimes Point.