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芝麻,开门!Open Sesame!

露易丝,开开门!Louise, open the door!

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开门,要不然我就要破门而入了。Open up, or I break in.

这间商店什么时候开门?When will the shop open?

我可以在这里开门吗?Can I open the door here?

他猛扭开门。He wrenched the door open.

快开门,否则我们会硬闯进去。Open up. Or we'll break in.

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最好还是不要打开门",他最后说道。Better not to open the door.

不要打开门,好吗?Don't open the door, will you?

今天理发厅开门吗?。Is the Barber shop open today?

停尸房后来又重新开门了。The morgue has since reopened.

售票处什么时候开门?When does the box-office open?

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叮咚!小狐狸跑去开门。Ding! Fox ran to open the door.

在他下马之前,我走去开门。He got up and strode to the door.

如果是一个小孩儿来开门怎么把?What if a child answers the door?

替我开门的是纳尼娜。It was Nanine who opened the door.

当她开门的时候,门嘎吱作响。The door creaked as she opened it.

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这什么功夫开门和结束?What time does it open oned close?

然后刊登广告,最后开门迎客。You advertise and open your doors.

这个店铺每天早九点开门营业。The shop opens at 9 a.m. every day.