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一条营运的窄轨铁道。An operating narrow-gauge railroad.

无追索权的营运资本贷款Non-Recourse Working Capital Bank Loans

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供应链营运参考模型。SCOR, Supply Chain Operation Reference.

此外,地铁公司也负责营运机场铁路。The MTRC also operates the Airport Railway.

马德里的出租车每天几乎要营运20个小时。Taxis in Madrid run for nearly 20 hours per day.

答对了!我已经筹到所需的营运资本。Bingo! I've got my working-capital needs together.

上海沪杭高速铁路开始营运。Shanghai-Hangzhou high-speed railway in operation.

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您乘坐的这辆车涉嫌非法营运。The car you took is suspected as operating unlawfully.

“营运中心”企业的部门管理人员。Department manager in an enterprise as "operation center".

使用此停車场需缴付由营运商厘定的停車费。Users of the carpark need to pay fees set by the operator.

当电报线在加利福尼亚设立后,驿马快信就停止了营运。It stopped running when telegraph wires reached California.

公司初期机队计划包括于捷星香港营运的首三年期间购买18架A320客机。The company plans to buy 18 A320s in the first three years.

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建造和营运一条铁路及相关的火车站。Construction of Train Terminus and Related Infra- structures.

策略性预算与营运性预算结合后即为总预算。Total budget includes strategic budget and operational budget.

为何我会应用沙维亚模式于公司的营运上呢?Why did I want to apply the Satir Model to a business company?

管理费用是指要分摊到产品中的营运费用/经常性开支。Overhead costs are the indirect costs to be shared by a product.

使用此停車场需缴付由营运商厘定的停車费。Users of the lorry park need to pay fees as set by the operator.

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这是船舶设计者和船舶营运者应该追求的目标。This should be what naval architects and ship operators go in for.

引导酒店营运收益相关部门进行酒店整体收益管理和增销。Lead revenue generating departments on THRM and up-selling strategy.

干线航班在主要人口中心城市营运。Trunk lines are those which operate between major population centers.