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终于,他在一株月季花前停了下来。Finally, he stopped at a Chinese rose flower.

一个月后,竟然有月季花那么大。A month later, as many as Chinese rose so much.

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然后我在杯中插入了一支月季花。Then I put a slip of Chinese rose into the glass.

修剪完成后施用月季花肥。After pruning, feed plants with a rose fertiliser.

以前我觉得月季花没什么好看的,所以把它移到墙角。I used to think Chinese rose Nothing to see here, so it moved to the corner.

你知道世界上有多少种月季花?你大胆猜一下。Do you know how many sorts of Chinese rose in the world? You can hazard a guess.

还有一朵月季花,它是深红色的,花瓣向后卷着,显得非常漂亮。There is a Chinese rose, it is dark red, petals rolled back, looks very beautiful.

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院子里的月季花、石榴花的芳香,更是给赛珍珠夫妇的新婚生活平添很多美丽。Inside a clear, aromatic pomegranate, is the married couple to Pearl S. Buck took a beautiful life.

方法利用超声波作用提取月季花黄色素,考察影响黄色素提取率的因素。The extraction technique of yellow pigment from rosa chinensis via ultrasonic method was studied in this essay.

研究了月季花红色素的提取条件及理化性质。The article reports the physicochemical properties and the conditions of extracting the Monthly Rose red pigment.

直追到一个阿姨家的窗前,窗台上放着阿谁阿姨最心爱的一盆红彤彤的月季花。Catching up with her aunt to one of the window, stood on a windowsill that a pot of bright red aunts of the most beloved of the Chinese rose.

雨也是有味道的,从月季花上滑落,沾着甜蜜馥郁的芬芳,由毛孔渗到周身。Rain is also a taste, from Chinese rose on the slide, stained with the fragrance of sweet fragrance, to seep from the pores of the whole body.

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小明实在太生气了,一脚把足球踢到半空中,足球顺时间从半空中直掉下来,把窗台上的那盆月季花打翻了。Xiao-Ming is too angry, and kicked the football kicked the air, soccer-shun straight from the air fall to the sill of the basin of Chinese rose knocked over.

一整代美国女孩可能会回忆起初吻时的墙壁的图案,亚麻布,以及各种花色的装饰,月季花的图案,蓝莓的图案,等等。An entire generation of American girls may have hashed over their first kisses between walls, and linens, bedecked with Floribunda, Wild Clematis, Bramble, and Barton Cottage.