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全佐治亚的好松木都在亚特兰大周围,而城里面又大兴土木。With all the good Georgia pine

于是,清凉世界五台山就大兴土木,筑寺造像。So people in Wutai Mountain constructed temples and built Buddha statue.

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然贪官污吏中饱私囊,大兴土木浪费挥霍,希望只能化作泡影。But hopes are dashed as corrupt officials pocket the money or squander it on grandiose projects.

文成公主带来大批唐朝工匠,赤尊公主也从尼泊尔请来了工匠,开始大兴土木,修建寺庙。Princess Wencheng had in her retinue a large number of Chinese craftsmen and Princess Chizun also invited a number from Nepal.

埔里林渊石雕公园正在大兴土木。这个石塔是由林渊伯的作品组合而成。The Lin Yuan Stone Carving Park in Puli is currently under construction. This stone tower is made of the collected works of Lin Yuan.

于是,清凉世界五台山就大兴土木,筑寺造像,极盛时,寺庙多达360余处,曾僧侣聚万余众。So people in Wutai Mountain constructed temples and built Buddha statue. At the prime time, there were over 360 temples and 10,000 monks.

公元1420年,明朝将京城由南京迁至北京,同时大兴土木,在四个主要方位修建一些向神明祈祷的建筑。When China's imperial1 court moved from Nanjing to Beijing during the Ming Dynasty in 1420, sites were required for supplication to the gods.

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随着中国高速公路系统的建设接近尾声,政府的重点开始转移到在大兴土木期间相对受到较少关注的问题上。As China's highway network nears completion, the government's focus is shifting to issues that got less attention in the headlong rush to build.

在欧洲,失业问题在大兴土木风风潮业已崩溃的西班牙和爱尔兰等地发展最为迅速,而在其它地方才刚刚开始攀升。In Europe joblessness has grown fastest in places such as Spain and Ireland, where building booms have crashed, but has only begun to edge up elsewhere.

时下中国正大兴土木工程,关于中国能否将经济增长转向一条可持续发展道路的不确定性不断增多。Still more uncertain is whether China, with its growing weight of mega constructions, can turn its economic progress on to an environmentally sustainable track.

相传明代泉州卫指挥周坐,在大兴土木扩建妈祖庙的工程竣工后,用剩余建材建了一座中军庙,并塑了神像。It is saind that Quanzhou director of Ming dynasty Zhouzuo after reconstructing Mazu temple constructed a Zhongjun temple with remnant building material and figured for him.

但是大量的供房即将上市,因为开发商近年放缓了大兴土木的节奏,一些建筑都已全部停工。But there is a further vast increment of supply on the verge of coming to market, because developers slowed the pace of construction in recent years and in some cases halted it altogether.

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文成公主带来大批唐朝工匠,赤尊公主也从尼泊尔请来了工匠,开始大兴土木,修建寺庙。Princess Wencheng had in her retinue a large number of Chinese craftsmen and Princess Chizun also invited a number from Nepal. Thus began in the capital large-scale construction of temples.

笼罩在灰色天空下,各地大兴土木,中国正试图在对古代文明和自然环境被肆意破坏的同时寻找人类发展的新途径。Shrouded in a spectral haze and dotted with cranes, the country is attempting to find a new path for human development amid the destruction of an ancient culture and a miserably abused environment.

这座城邦最伟大的统治者是帕克,他于公元603年夺取政权,他在位的68年间和以后,建筑革新开始,全国大兴土木,呈现一片建设繁荣景象。The greatest ruler of this city-state was Pacal, who took power in 603 A.D. and commenced a construction boom of architecturally innovative buildings that lasted through and beyond his 68-year reign.

但是四川好几个不同地区的教学楼、医院和工厂的倒塌可能增加在中国大兴土木的阶段如何强制进行抗震代码管理。But the collapse of schools, hospitals and factories in several different areas around Sichuan may raise questions about how rigorously such codes have been enforced during China's epic building boom.