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如果你失败了,可不要地回来找我。If you fail, do not come snivelling.

您可以自由地选择您想要地选项。Feel free to choose the ones that you want.

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如果你失败了,可不要地回来找我。If you fail , don't come snivelling back to me.

夏威夷是军事要地,有珍珠港等大的海空军基地。Hawaii is a military base at Pearl Harbor, such big and base.

我和罗杰谈话,他想要他母亲卖了房子,可是他要地,他不想让我得到它。He wants his mother to sell the house. But he wants the land.

北约中央集团军所涵盖的东西德边界要地遭到了攻击。NATO's CENTAG covering the vital East-West German border is attacked.

蕲州在军事上是一战略要地,秦钜也知道它的重要性。Qi Zhou is a strategic military, Qin Ju also know the importance of it.

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但很多俄罗斯评论人士扼腕叹息如此战略要地失手于中国。But many Russian commentators bemoaned the loss of strategic ground to China.

日本进攻缅甸后,缅甸成为盟国与日本激烈争夺的战略要地。After Japan attacked Burma, Burma became strategic area between ally and Japan.

中世纪圣地亚哥一德孔波斯特拉是朝圣的要地。Santiago de Compostela was an important place of pilgrimage in the Middle Ages.

角山不但是形势要地,而且名胜很多。Cape Mount is not only the situation should be in, but a lot of places of interest.

首先,每个国家都必须用其全力去减少它们所有的产生排放物的要地的排放量。First, every country must do its utmost to reduce emissions from all major sources.

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而且,波斯尼亚和科索沃对于北约和欧盟而言都是战略要地。Also, Bosnia and Kosovo are in the close backyard of both NATO and the European Union.

周一,他的部队已将反叛军从战略要地阿贾达比亚打退。On Monday, his forces drove rebels back from the strategically important town Ajdabiya.

非纺织物主要地是从已存在的纺织工艺或造纸工业发展起来的。Nonwovens have largely evolved from either the pre-existent textile or paper industries.

洋酒巨头纷纷将我国当成国际葡萄酒业新的战略要地。Foreign wine giant have wine industry in China as the international new strategic position.

我们住在一个根据物质的所有物主要地看成功的想获得的社会。We live in an acquisitive society which views success primarily in terms of material possessions.

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三川郡是韩国阻挡秦人东进的战略要地,也是秦国和秦朝控制东方广大地区的战略桥头堡。It was also the strategic bridgehead for Qin and later the Qin Dynasty to control the vast oriental market.

姚州都督府东部滇池秦臧地区是唐朝西南边疆战略要地,所置十二羁縻州的具体地望至今多不清楚。And the locations of the twelve Jimi Zhous that belonged to the Dianchi and Qinzang area were not definite yet.

自古以来,泊头就是通贾四方的重要商埠和兵家必争的战略要地。Since ancient times, Botou Tunca is an important commercial port and the Quartet A competitive strategic location.