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它是高地平原可以一览无遗。It is high and flat ground overlooking everything.

在顶上,我们俯瞰整个城市,一览无遗。At the top we had a bird's-eye view of the entire city.

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解谜的线索到处都是,藏在我们能够一览无遗的地方。The clues to solving them are all around, hidden in plain sight.

而最近的上涨趋势在上周的消费者物价指数报告中一览无遗。That recent trend showed up in last week’s consumer-price index report.

从棒球到核废料,20世纪后期的美国生活在此一览无遗。From baseball to nuclear waste, all late-20th-century American life is here.

你只要在望远镜里投入两角五分钱,整个纽约的景色就一览无遗了。You put a quarter in and you look through and you can see all through New York

当然有,天空十分晴朗,我们可以一览无遗。I certainly did . The sky was very clear, and we could see for miles and miles.

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在这里,4百万英镑的豪宅睥睨著肮脏的贫民库,印度的阶级鸿沟一览无遗。Here, where £4m penthouses look over filthy slums, India's class divide is at its starkest.

阀瓣位置与十进制指示器相一致,并可通过手轮上的窗口一览无遗。The disc position corresponds with the decimal indicator viewed through the handwheel window.

从南桥看去,龙门石窟的美景一览无遗!Seen from the southern bridge, the Longmen Grottoes bring out their beauty to the best advantage!

远望漳泽水库壮如锦带,飘浮于天际,上党盆地一览无遗。Yuanwang Zhangze Reservoir Weigela such as Zhuang, floating in the sky, a glance Shangdang Basin.

这张坐卧两用的椅子和屏风是由马汀·阿尔伯特内部装修公司定做的,放在这里是为了阻挡住火炉,避免让这个房间一览无遗。The daybed and screen were made by Martin Albert Interiors to fit the space across from the fireplace.

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我们开始登高,目的地是位于公园中心的殿宇,在那儿,所有景色将一览无遗。We started our ascent of the temple that sits central to the park and would offer the priceless views.

在这千余平米的空间里,俄罗斯当代艺术的精髓将一览无遗。In this thousand-square-meter space the quintessence of the Russian contemporary art is thoroughly revealed.

卡伦先生的书中复制了这份备忘录作为附录,Rao对锡度仁波切的怀疑一览无遗。As reproduced as an appendix in Mr Curren's book, Rao's suspicions concerning Tai Situ Rinpoche are manifest.

一款Android应用程式通过真实路面摄像照片导航,任何即时路面障碍物一览无遗。An Android app navigates via camera images of the actual road—and any obstacles that might be there at the moment.

整个莱山区收眼底,东区大海,西区凤凰山全景,一览无遗。The entire Laishan area collects the fundus, the eastern sea, Western Lantau Peak panorama, cover all at one glance.

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华顿表示,其中一个原因就是运动员和娱乐人士谋生之术在「崇拜者的眼中一览无遗。」One reason, Wharton said, was that what athletes and entertainers did for a living was"clearly evident to their fans".

水平52至59个的塔将房子一的一类复式复式共管公寓一览无遗。Levels 52 to 59 of the tower will house one-of-a-kind duplex penthouse condominium apartments with unparalleled panoramic views.

仪器安装调试后,只需要一个人实时监控,对整个南胶2100米的皮带运行情况一览无遗。Equipment installation, the only one real-time monitoring of the whole 2100 meters south of the belt plastic operation at a glance.