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我们应该从大处着眼。We must take a wider view.

大处着眼,小处着手。Start small, but think big.

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看这个世界要从更大处着眼。See the world in a larger picture.

我的玩法是,从大处着眼预测那些将发生的事情。My game was to anticipate what was going to happen in a big way.

抓基础从大处着眼,防隐患从小处着手。Grasp the basis of hazard prevention from the small office to pay attention to important points.

十年来,中国一直在鼓励本国公司从大处着眼,通过向海外扩张实现自身经济的多样化。For a decade, China has been encouraging its companies to think big and expand abroad to diversify its economy.

很多时候,让这些人返回种田并自食其力的窍门是从大处着眼,从小处着手。Many times, the trick to getting these people back working the land and feeding themselves is to think big, but act small.

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互利共赢。从大处着眼,既要考虑自己利益,又要考虑对方利益。First, mutual benefit and win-win result. Thinking broadly, one should take account of the other's interests while pursuing its own.

因此,在指导思想上,应该“大处着眼,小处着手”,节省并充分利用有限的空间。Accordingly, on guiding ideology, should " large part have sth in mind, small part begins " , save and make full use of limited space.

翻译实践应该突出从大处着眼,从小处着手的原则,强调微观层次意义生成的语境关联性融合。It is a trend that translation should follow the principle of "Think globally, act locally", which requires the context-relevant fusion of the meaning-generation at the micro-level manipulation.

为应对全球性经济衰退,2009年北京中央政府助推了地方的建设热潮,中央政府敦促地方从大处着眼,宣布了庞大的经济刺激计划。Beijing helped ratchet up the municipal building boom in early 2009, when in response to the global recession, it pressed local governments to think big and announced a huge economic stimulus package.

大处着眼设计培育思路,构筑培育平台,优化培育环境,培育当代革命军人核心价值观。The main point focuses the design cultivation mentality, the construction cultivates the platform, the optimized cultivation environment, the cultivation present age revolutionary soldier core values.