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正是在我身上她窃取了她的旧面孔。Yes it is me she poaches her old face in.

像艺术家一样去“窃取”是什么意思?What does it mean to steal like an artist?

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使用鼠标嗅探器窃取键盘事件Stealing keyboard events with a mouse sniffer

在风雨飘摇的日子,风暴将窃取我的痛苦。In the stormy days, storms will steal my pain.

当你更深地挖掘,你便是“窃取”你所发掘的了。When you dig deeper you steal what you unearth.

但忧虑窃取了你积极主动的权利。But worry robs you of your power to be proactive.

从窃取凯尔特人的大镰刀停止邪魔。Stop the demons from stealing the Scythe of the Celt.

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他怎样从一个素未谋面的竞争者手中窃取了机密?How could he have stolen from a rival he had never met?

惩罚那些窃取机密文件的人也是可以理解的。So is punishing those who purloin classified materials.

梦则是量子物质对大脑的一种窃取?Dream is a kind of quantum matter on the brain to steal?

而且,他儿子的信息也被记者窃取了,and his son's information stolen by journalists as well,

你可以加密,以防止间谍对它窃取阅读。You can encrypt it to prevent counterspies from reading it.

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莱昂纳多创造梦境、窃取信息、灌输思想。He creates dreamscapes, steals information, and implants ideas.

叶凌青终于用计从张云爱那里窃取了通行证。Ye Lingqing finally maneuver from Zhang Yunai stole the passport.

最多某人窃取走你的价格网页和收费卡。The most someone can steal is your pricing page or your rate card.

左右邻居窃取了花园,劫掠了那些稀有的花木。The neighbors devastated the garden and pillaged the rare flowers.

通常小偷找开货箱窃取内装物的一部分。Generally, thieves open the case and take part of the contents out.

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这些卓越的野兽存在着被术士窃取的可能。It may be possible for a warlock to steal one of these fine beasts.

为了名利,有人如蚂蚁一般四处攀爬,窃取别人业绩的渣滓。These ants of honour go crawling about filching scraps of exploits.

因此,就让我们从马克•扎克伯格的商学院里“窃取”几页真经吧。So let’s steal a few pages from Mark Zuckerberg’s school of business.