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其次用你的蜡笔画。Next, draw with your crayons.

首先,用你的蜡笔画。First, , draw with your crayons.

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我想用蜡笔画,可以吗?。I want to draw with crayons, can I?

请用你的蜡笔画一张画。Please draw a picture with your crayons.

这幅画是小孩用蜡笔画的。The picture had been crayoned by a child.

这幅画完全是用蜡笔画旳。This picture totally uses the crayon drawing.

今天,我用绿色和褐色的蜡笔画了一棵神奇的大树。Today, I used green and brown crayon drawing of a magic tree.

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蜡笔画,有些透明的条子在上面,比较讨厌。A little crayon drawing, with annoying transparent strips on it.

墙上的一幅蜡笔画就是有力的证据,不容置疑地指出是谁干的。The evidence—a crayon drawing on the wall—overwhelmingly pointed to the culprit.

在装饰房间时,要使用柔和、优雅的颜色,如粉蜡笔画可以保持人们的心情平静。When decorating the room, use soft, pale colors, such as pastels to keep the mood calm.

这一招很有效,尽管孩子们的俱乐部无非就是地上的几张蜡笔画和一席毯子。This is effective even if the club is nothing more than a couple of crayons and blanket on the floor.

国画、油画、水粉画、漫画、蜡笔画均可。Chinese watercolor paintings, oil paintings, acrylics, cartoons, and crayon drawings are all acceptable.

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今年万圣节打算一改恐怖风?这些用蜡笔画的大理石南瓜就是你的菜!Planning on skipping the fright this Halloween? These pretty pastel marbled pumpkins are just what you need!

是谁擦去面颊上的花生酱,墙壁上的蜡笔画,系上松开的鞋带,以防孩子摔个大马趴?Who wipes peanut butter off a cheek and crayon off the wall and knots an untied shoelace to avoid a likely fall?

了解如何建立这个免费视频艺术课为前景和背景的蜡笔画格。Learn how to establish a grid for the foreground and background of a pastel drawing in this free video art lesson.

她柔和的蜡笔画,在温暖的黄色,橙色和绿色接壤,罢工的童心的完美注意。Her pastel crayon drawings, bordered in warm yellows, oranges and greens, strike the perfect note of childlike innocence.

整个奥斯坦已经被“鸡仔文学”所包围,封面都是蜡笔画和内容都是骨瘦如柴提手袋的女人。The whole of Austen has recently been repackaged as chick-lit, complete with pastel covers and skinny women with handbags.

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你会发现你们在凌晨三点整理着洗好的衣服,或者清洁着墙上的蜡笔画。You’ll find yourselves spending an inordinate amount of time together at 3 a.m. folding laundry and cleaning crayon marks off the walls.

直到今天,我还珍藏着一幅蜡笔画,上面画的是卧床休息的我,大大的脑袋,更大的嘴唇,嘴里插着温度计。To this day, I still have a crayon picture of me resting in bed, with a large head and larger lips , with a thermometer sticking out of my mouth.

直到今天,我还珍藏着一幅蜡笔画,上面画的是卧床休息的我,大大的脑袋,更大的嘴唇,嘴里插着温度计。To this day, I still have a crayon picture of me resting in bed, with a large head and larger lips, with a thermometer9 sticking out of my mouth.