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喜宴要按英国的时新方式,在小餐桌上用餐呢。It's to be served at small tables, in the new English fashion.

那么你打到举行喜宴的地方去吗?So do you beat to go to the place of holding the wedding dinner?

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在结婚喜宴上,新娘和新郎向宾客表示欢迎。At the wedding reception, the bride and groom greet their guests.

在姻缘喜宴上,新娘和新郎向宾客表达欢迎。At the wedding reception, the bride or groom greet theirs guests.

在姻缘喜宴上,新娘和新郎向宾客表达欢迎。At the wedding reception, the bride and groom greet theirs guests.

喜宴还因它的优质服务和漂亮花园享有美名。Xi Yan has a reputation for excellent service and a nice garden view.

到了冬天我哪一天都可能染上肺炎,可我还想给他们举办婚礼喜宴呢。I may catch pneumonia any winter now, and I want to give the wedding-breakfast.

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喜宴现场以大红色为基调,提供自助餐饮。The wedding breakfast scene take the red color as a main key, provides the self-service dining.

“要在老凯瑟琳家吃喜宴真是糟透了,”新郎想象得出里吉·奇弗斯会这样说。"Too bad the breakfast is at old Catherine's, " the bridegroom could fancy Reggie Chivers saying.

喜宴完毕后,新人手持茶盘内装香烟及喜煻送客于餐厅门口。The newly-wed couple stands at the door with a tray full of candies and sweets, to see guests off.

上周,周立波在上海迎娶未婚妻胡洁,两人定下80桌喜宴,盛邀近700位宾客。Last week, Zhoulibo married his fiancée in Shanghai. The couple reserved 80 tables and invited nearly 700 guests.

中文里,‘吸烟’与‘喜宴’谐音,所以也就被联系起来了。The word smoke and happy event are pronounced the same way in Chinese and are seen as going together," she added.

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喜宴采用自助餐形式,嘉宾们可以根据口味选择餐点酒水。The wedding breakfast uses the buffet form, the honored guests may act according to the taste choice meal liquor water.

专业接待各类型喜宴、生日宴、乔迁宴、弥月宴、婚宴、寿宴等宴席自助餐。Providing professional reception for different types of banquets like birthday feast, wedding banquet, buffet and so on.

喜宴期间,爱闹的朋友用薄纸、锡罐和写着“新婚”的标牌来“装饰”新人的小汽车。During the reception, playful friends "decorate" the couple's car with tissue paper, tin cans and a "Just Married" sign.

据一位在酒店工作的知情人士透露,喜宴不给发票里面有很大猫腻。According to a hotel in the work, according to the people familiar wedding breakfast not to invoices there is a great issue.

一次“喜宴”就要送上至少100元礼金,有些学生每月为庆祝朋友恋爱成功的花销竟达数百元。The cash gift is RMB100 on average for each banquet, thus some students have to pay hundreds of yuan each month for such occasions.

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因为喜宴都不用发票报销,所以很多消费者就默认了这种行为,只开收据。Because the wedding all need not invoice to submit an expense account, so many consumers will default this behavior, only a receipt.

礼仪过后,通常会有宴会,叫“喜宴”。宴会给参加婚礼的人一个向新婚夫妇祝贺的机会。After the ceremony there is often a party, called a reception, which gives the wedding guests an opportunity to congratulate the newlyweds.

阿雯得知妹妹签离婚协议之事之后,请求允杰办了「喜宴」,「渡蜜月」,允杰同意。AWen that younger sister of divorce agreement after signing, request &co. ltd. jie did "wedding banquet", "honeymoon", acceptable jie agree.