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这就是我对于“实效权威”的看法。This is my idea of pragmatic authority.

大家好,我是来自实效家族的妮可!Hello, everybody! I'm Nicole, from the EOE family.

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我们的努力开始有了实效。Our efforts are beginning to have an actual effect.

我认为他很有美国中西部人豪爽的气质,注重实效且慷慨大方。I see him as very Midwestern, pragmatic yet generous.

照相是一件实效赋予实践的技术活。Photography is a technical and practiced form of art.

总得来说,我所访问的中国学生都很重视实效。In general, the Chinese students I visited are pragmatic.

安慰剂效应掩盖了抗抑郁剂的实效吗?Does Placebo Effect Mask True Efficacy of Antidepressants?

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Terry的风格通常是直接、易于接受且注重实效的。Terry's style is always direct, approachable, and pragmatic.

“史密斯是个注重实效的人,”帕尔门特教授说。"Smith was a results-oriented person," said Professor Parmenter.

在学习上,一个以勤补拙的人的实效会成倍于一个懒惰的聪明人。In learning, the work of a diligent fool doubles that of a lazy wit.

这样共青团组织才能赢得学生信任,工作才能取得实效。So they can win trust from students and the work can achieve effect.

金属消雷器在云南的运行取得了良好的实效。Lightning eliminators have been running very well in Yunnan province.

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一家注重策略与实效的品牌全案营销推广公司!A focus on strategies and effective brand entire case marketing company!

与此同时,非洲的种植户几乎没有什么实效的方法来保护他们的水果。African farmers, meanwhile, have few practical means to defend their fruit.

所有这些被前景化的语言特征简洁、经济、实效。All these foregrounded linguistic features are vivid, economical and effective.

第三,我们的机构必须具有效益并侧重于产生实效。Third, our institutions must be effective and be focused on delivering results.

步行、慢跑、反序运动是简单易行且较有实效的有氧运动。Foot, jogging, retrorse movement are the simple, effective movements with oxygen.

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采取讲求原则、注重实效的集体立场,反对分裂势力。A collective stand, principled and pragmatic, against forces that would divide us.

梅德韦杰夫在政府中的同事形容他忠诚可靠、富有能力、注重实效。Medvedev's colleagues in government describe him as loyal, competent and pragmatic.

我国应增大渔业法的法律实效、应强化执法,防范和管制IUU捕捞的泛滥。We shall revise our Fishery Act and emphasize our enforcement to deter IUU fishing.