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我是一手同花。I got a flush.

他一手拿书,一手拿笔。Do you want a hand?

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他撑竿跳很有一手。He is good at pole-vaulting.

我喜欢画画,也画得一手好画。I love to draw and draw well.

我还不知道白有快速刺拳这一手。He used a nail to poke a hole.

海伦写一手好字。Helen writes a beautiful hand.

当玩家只剩一手牌时自动出牌。Auto go cards when you can finish.

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我用一手同花顺赢了这把牌。I had a flush to win the card game.

我要写一手漂亮的文章!I want to write beautiful articles!

他还能拉一手相当不错的小提琴Also, he performs well on the violin.

真有你们的!不知道你们还来这一手儿…I didn't know you guys had it in you.

大牛,你什么时候学会的这一手啊?When did you learn to do the cooking?

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他还做得一手像样的溜鸡片。He also makes a decent chicken piccata.

当我接受了一手输了的交易,我就不再为它烦恼。A loss never bothers me after I take it.

这件事是由斯·贝尔曼一手操纵的。S. Behrman manipulated the whole affair.

一顿均衡的饮食就是一手拿一个饼干。A balanced diet is a cookie in each hand.

上课时,她能写一手优美的板书。She writes beautifully on the blackboard.

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他看到他的手沾了一手黄色的染料。And he could see that his hand was yellow.

他什么事都喜欢插上一手。He is fond of having a hand in everything.

照管生病的动物,他很有一手。He's very good at caring for sick animals.