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你是喜剧笑匠?You are a comic.

喜剧演员比尔·伯尔如此说道。Comedian Bill Burr.

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那场喜剧是关于什么的?What's that comedy about?

我要看更喜剧的影片。I want to see more comedies.

格罗丁是一位优秀的喜剧演员。Grodin is a fine comic actor.

你认为情景喜剧怎么样?。What do you think of sitcoms?

他是否喜欢音乐喜剧?Does he like musical comedies?

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艾美奖的获得者,喜剧演员Emmy-winning comedian and actor

他更喜欢扮演喜剧角色。He prefers to play comic roles.

喜剧中心给剧集加了消音。Comedy Central added the bleeps.

我喜欢他的电影“喜剧之王”。I like his movie King of Comedy.

他们有一个司仪,有喜剧,有故事曲折性,有舞台剧。They got an MC. They got comedy.

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一个致郁的、异色的喜剧。A gloomy, tonally diverse comedy.

他们叫他“喜剧之王”。They call him the King of Comedy.

他演过美剧喜剧“公园与休憩”He was on shows like Parks and Rec.

亚历克斯·霍恩是一名喜剧演员兼作家。Alex Horne is a comedian and writer.

他的风格写喜剧。His style best comports with comedy.

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他的风格最适合写喜剧。His style best comports with comedy.

你最喜欢的电视喜剧影集是什么?。What is your favorite sit-com on TV?

我也喜欢其他喜剧演员。But I enjoy other comedians, I guess.