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龙眼木雕以圆雕为主,也有浮雕、镂透雕。Longan woodcarving Yuandiao, relief, Toudiao, also have.

莆田的石雕以圆雕、浮雕、透雕著称于世。Putian stone Yuandiao relief Toudiao as known to the world.

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这是利用一块突起于地面的岩石,以汉代圆雕方法凿刻出来的。It is a three-dimensional carving, engraved by granite on the ground.

它比较接近圆雕,甚至可以被归入半圆雕的一种。It close to, or even can be classified as the round, the half round one.

木雕笼统分为立体圆雕、根雕、浮雕三大类。Generally divided into solid wood sculpture, carving, relief three class.

展览会将展出各式各样的圆雕工艺品。Various kinds of sculptured handicrafts will be shown at this exhibition.

表现手法也是圆雕、浮雕以及镂空相结合。Whatever combination taken, all the sculptures show easy and free atmosphere.

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第二种则被称为凹雕又或者镂空雕,介于圆雕和浮雕之中。The second one is called the concave carved or carve, the round, the relief and in between.

泛红山黑皮玉器概括起来说是圆雕、浮雕结合镂空的造型。Black-shell jade of pan-Hongshan culture is basically sculptures and relief combined with hollow-out figures.

它在一个地窖里还有一座圆雕的耶稣受难像和一个镀金的木雕太阳,都是奇妙无比的东西。It has, also, a crucifixion in high relief, in a cellar, with a sun of gilded wood. These things are fairly marvellous.

在石坊两根中柱下部的东西两面,都蹲着一只圆雕的雄狮,高踞于底座基石上。Shihfang column in the lower part of two sides of things, are squatting a lion sculpture in the round, has remained the cornerstone in the base.

红山文化玉器中动物造型风格质朴而豪放,表现手法中的圆雕、浮雕、透雕、两面雕、线刻等以日臻成孰。Hongshan Culture Jade in the simple and bold animal styling, performance techniques in full relief, relief, openwork, two eagles, line engravings by becoming more and more into what.

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龙头香面对金顶,若朝拜之状,长3米,宽0.55米,是古代工匠采用圆雕、镂雕、影雕等多种手法凿刻的浑为一体的两条龙。Jinding lead-face, if the worship of long 3 meters, 0.55 meters wide, was carved by ancient craftsmen, MR. YANGXI, video and other means carved forever as a result of the integration of two queues.