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他邪恶地对我说。He said evilly.

定会以邪恶相报。Do evil in return.

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邪恶的克星。Vanquisher Of Evil.

拯救我们脱离邪恶。Deliver us from evil.

我在心里邪恶的YY。My in mind malign YY.

事实上,我是邪恶的。In fact, I was wicked.

你的意识并非是邪恶的。Your mind is not evil.

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愿邪恶当前你心向真。Your heart will be true.

我认为那就是邪恶。And I think that is evil.

她又露出邪恶的笑容。She grinned an evil grin.

这就是邪恶的中国梦。That's China'sevil dream.

她的美貌掩盖了她的邪恶。Her beauty gilds her vice.

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恸哭,为这邪恶的世道!Wail, for the worlds wrong!

善良将战胜邪恶。Good will prevail over evil.

他们是下贱,邪恶的人。They are a low, evil people.

邪恶的本质是什么?What is the essence of evil?

邪恶的笑容闪过我的脸庞。An evil grin crossed my face.

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你魔鬼的邪恶的信使。Foul pre-currer of the fiend.

莫里斯脸上露出了邪恶的奸笑。Maurice gave a satanic smile.

那个精瘦的间谍邪恶地笑了。The little spy smiled evilly.