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食物装在罐头里。The food is packed in tins.

她把脸埋在枕头里。She buried face in the pillow.

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小李事事都走在头里。Xiao Li takes the lead in everything.

他的车和跑在头里的车并驾齐驱。His car was abreast of the leading car.

他将灯泡拧进了灯头里。He screwed the light bulb into the socket.

让我们听它在头里还在翅膀上。Let's hear it in the head and on the wing.

我怎样能逃离在我的头里的妖魔吗?How can I escape from the demons in my head?

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锤子用来把钉子敲进木头里。Hammers are used for hitting nails into wood.

在锅盖头里拍这样的戏是什么样的呢?What is it like filming the scenes in Jarhead?

一千个铁匠的锤子在我的头里敲打!A thousand smiths' hammers are beating in my head!

为了修椅子,他把钉子敲进木头里。To mend a broken chair, he drove a nail into wood.

他脑袋别的部分都沉进了白色的丝布枕头里。The rest of his head has sunk into the white silk pillow.

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聚落在你的头里的敌人很难以搏斗。It is hard to fight an enemy who has outposts in your head.

然后他关上灯,把头埋在枕头里。He then turned off the light and buried his head in the pillow.

两名操纵师挤在贾巴的头里,每人操纵一只胳膊。Two operators crammed into Jabba's head, each controlling one arm.

这看起来分明就像片头里旋转的星盘。It looks exactly like the spinning astrolabe from the opening credits.

罐头制造商可以把他们可以做成罐头的东西装进罐头里,但不能把不能做成罐头的东西装进罐头里。Canners can can what they can can but can not can things can't be canned.

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当你洗澡的时候,细菌便会随着水流从蓬蓬头里喷出来。When you run the shower, germs are ejected out of the showerhead in the spray.

春天像刚落地的娃娃,从头里脚是新的,它生长着。Spring is like a newly-born baby. It is new from head to foot and it is growing.

政府的诚信缺失致使其无法这么做,这只能落在剩下的我们的肩头里。The government lacks the credibility to do so. It falls on the rest of us to act.