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欣然女士作品的一些互动独辟蹊径。Some of Xinran's interactions are extraordinary.

他们计划独辟蹊径,盖自己的新房。They planed to branch off into building their own new house.

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但是佛蒙特州的一个社区唱诗班却是独辟蹊径。But a community choir in Vermont is trying something different.

在如今铺天盖地的都是宣传养生的酸奶广告中,这个独辟蹊径的做法值得推广。It is a good example that is worthy to be promoted among those all-the-same ads.

无论什么时候,在商业圈你都得有冒险精神,并且独辟蹊径。Every now and again in business you have to take a risk and swim against the tide.

这个方案富于创造性,独辟蹊径,很有魄力,因此他们都很喜欢。There was something original, independent, and heroic about the plan that pleased them all.

大部分州把其中的一部分划拨到教育事业,但也有许多州独辟蹊径,花得相当有创意。Most spend a portion of that income on education, but many have found other creative outlets.

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由于平克斯在硅谷的独辟蹊径,他已经赢得了“高瞻远瞩领导者”的美誉。As he has carved his path in Silicon Valley, he has earned a reputation as a visionary leader.

中国华富公司却独辟蹊径闯出了一条成功之路,成为中国开拓俄罗斯建筑市场的一面旗帜。But Huafu has broken a successful road and become a new star on the Russian construction market.

对其病机有独辟蹊径,不外风、湿、热三端,抓住要点血分有热。The pathogenesis was the wind, moist, and fieber, its main point was fieber in blood aspect diseases.

没有今日的独立思考,大胆质疑,何来明日的独辟蹊径,开拓新天?Not today's independent thinking and a bold challenge, how can tomorrow's inventive , pioneering Xintian?

对一些创造性的职位空缺,独辟蹊径的方法也许更令人欣赏,但也使它符合事实和专业。For some creative roles, an alternative approach may be appreciated but keep it original and professional.

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极具权威性和原始性,这本书独辟蹊径地提供了语言获得、变异和改变的新途径。Engaging and original, this book offers a pathbreaking new account of language variation, variation and change.

独辟蹊径,一只小野兔和一只鼪鼠巧妙的利用地下排水通道过街。Instead, a rabbit and a stoat are cleverly using an underground network of drains to make it to the other side.

奥地利作家卡夫卡,以其故事情节的怪诞离奇,艺术手法的标新立异和独辟蹊径。Franz Kafka, the wirte r of Austria, the one of the most understanding writer for his fantastic and originality.

在客体方面,独辟蹊径,从渎职罪侵犯的对象入手,提出自己的观点。The object, humor, from the crime of dereliction of duty violations start with the subject, put forward its views.

他们可以自由地表达,独辟蹊径,不落窠臼,不用担心失去崇拜者的支持。They enjoy the freedom to express themselves in unique and original ways without fear of losing the support of fans.

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破除思维定势,独辟蹊径,是收到创新探奇之效的关键所在。To break down the fixed fashion of thinking and find a new may is the key to got the effect of creativeness and novelty.

在反思文学和伤痕文学风靡的80年代,汪曾祺却独辟蹊径,更加注重为心灵而书写的宗旨。Reflections literature and injuries literature are popular in the 80's, Wang Zengqi inventive and write for the purpose of soul.

洛特曼独辟蹊径,善于把文学现象置于大的社会历史背景下进行广泛研究,其中对普希金的研究占了主体。He was good at studying literary phenomena against a broad social, historical background and the focus of his study was on Pushkin.