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人民大众爱死列表了。People like lists.

不要诽谤人民。Don't defame people.

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各国人民都要和平。All nations want peace.

瑞玛斯,放了我的人民!Ramses, let my people go!

我的人民的眼睛亦美丽。So the eyes of my people.

亿万人民团结起来The millions be embraced.

定日人民欢迎你!Dingri people welcome you.

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他称自己是人民的老黄牛。He called an of the people.

对得起人民的信任。Be worthy of people's trust.

我可是赞美丽江的人民。I laud the people of Lijang.

中国人民解放军是真正的人民军队。It is truly a people's army.

我们党和人民懂得这一点。We and the people know this.

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人民拥立他为国王。The people acclaimed him king.

大量屠杀他自己的人民。Just massacring his own people.

法律是人民意志的体现。Laws embody the will of people.

独夫们是残暴的,但人民却是善良的。Men are cruel, but Man is kind.

我热爱我的祖国和人民。I love my country and my people.

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人民的血泪不能白流的。People shall not suffer in vain.

埃及人民被愚弄了。The people of Egypt were fooled.

人民的军队所向无前。The people's army is invincible.