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这位农民教我们如何选种。The farmer taught us how to select seeds.

选种培育以提高产量会大有可为。There is potential for selective breeding for better yields.

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我给他展示了许多款选择,很快他选种了一对。I showed him a wide selection, and quickly he picked out a pair.

南丰蜜桔的这些优良品系是群众性的芽变选种的结果。Of these fine lines are the masses of the mutant selection results.

在他们选种时,我们开始耙平苗床。We began to rake over the seedbed while they were selecting the seeds.

抗病育种占选种圃的发病条件是兼抗育种的又一关键。Disease condition in selective nursery is another key to multi resistant breeding.

血浆VLDL浓度可以作为矮小型鸡只体脂沉积性状的选种指标。Blood plasma VLDL concentration can be used as an indicator to select fatness traits.

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播种前应进行选种晒种、种子消毒和浸种催芽。Seeding should be conducted before the selection Shaizhong, seed sterilization and soaking in one.

本文介绍了桦树育苗、选种、播种及造林的一些措施和方法。The birch seedlings, seed selection, planting , afforestation measures and methods are introduced.

从不同角度分别对成母牛群和后备牛群早期选种方案的制定方法、实施原则和步骤进行了探讨。Being worked out herd early selection plan is one of the most important tasks to dairy herd breeding.

性状相关性的研究,有助于利用相关选择提高核桃选种效率。The study can help raise selection efficiency of walnut through application of correlated characters.

我们不能告诉你如何进入你所选种的学校,以及需要学习些什么来做准备。We cannot tell you how to get into the school of your choice or what you should study to be prepared.

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利用12个微卫星标记分析了昆山麻鸭高产系F0代和F1代遗传多样性,监测选种效果。Breeding surveillance of Kunshan duck was conducted using 12 microsatellite primers in F0 and F1 generation.

本文认为今后内蒙古白绒山羊选种方法应该采用动物模型BLUP法。The article raised animal model BLUP method should be used to select Inner Mongolia white cashmere goats in future.

他们研究鱼的鱼的选种,繁殖和营养以及经营企业的一些细节及原则。They study fish selection, reproduction, and nutrition as well as the details and principles of running a business.

本文应用通用选择指数原理探讨了有关种公羊选种决策的几个问题。Several problems associated with selection strategies of breeder rams are discus sed using the general selection index.

从整地施肥、选种播种、田间管理、浇水、追肥、病虫害防治等方面介绍了出口山药的无公害标准化栽培技术。The outline and process of the standard cultivation technique of non-polluted yam were briefly introduced in this paper.

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本文报道了吉林省良种细毛羊各育种阶段BLUP选种的方法和结果。This peper reports the BLUP selecting method and its results in each breeding stage of fine-breed fine-wool sheep in Jilin.

轮作、休闲、土壤消毒、选种耐连作或抗病虫品种、无土栽培等。To rotate, fallow, soil disinfection and select succession cropping-ensuring and pest-resistance species, soilless culture etc.

通过实生苗选种,对地被菊新品种进行选育研究,选育出不同花期具有较高观赏价值的新品种14个。By means of seedling selection , the author bred and selected 14 ground-cover chrysanthemum new cvs with different blooming times.