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不愿成为舞蹈家、律师或司仪。A dancer, a lawyer or an MC.

他们有一个司仪,有喜剧,有故事曲折性,有舞台剧。They got an MC. They got comedy.

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龙是天生的领袖人物和各种仪式的司仪。Dragons are born leaders and masters of ceremonies.

我是,站在我身边的这位美女是,我们将是你们今晚的司仪。I'm and this dashing gentleman beside me is , we are your emcees for tonight.

赵寅成将会在空军军乐团的表演中担任司仪。In-Sung Zo is going to emcee at occasions which will be held in Airforce Band.

来参与我们的活动,世界电子竞技也有很多漂亮的司仪小妹子。Come to the events. Booth babes will be tossing out World Series of Video Games tabards.

泰罗的机器人还为它的设计工程师之一担当了婚礼司仪。In 2007 a robot named Tiro was master of ceremonies at the wedding of one of its designers.

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2007年,一个名叫“泰罗”的机器人还为它的设计工程师之一担当了婚礼司仪。In 2007 a robot named Tiro was master of ceremonies at the wedding of one of its designers.

其结果是干粉末然后准备投掷到司仪神父为印度的富有色彩的胡里节。The resulting powder is then ready to be tossed by celebrants of India's colorful Holi festival.

首先,要感谢我们的司仪大山为我们拉开了今晚活动的序幕。First of all, thanks to Mark Rowswell, our Master of Ceremonies for starting us off this evening.

这位是白瑞健博士,我们刘淑平,我们两人是今晚节目的司仪。I am Andrew Peh and this is Eunice Low and together, we are your MCs for the programme this evening.

当时,和太子司仪郎来济俱以文翰见重,时称来李。At that time, and Prince Edward Lang master of ceremonies to all relief to see re- hon , said to Lee.

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我接受了葬礼庆典仪式训练,所以,技术上,我是一个时尚设计师,也是一个葬礼司仪。I did funeral celebrancy training so that, technically, I’m a fashion designer and funeral celebrant.

婚礼正式举行,司仪的一番深情的祝福让我们感动的稀里哗啦的。The wedding ceremony was beginning and the emcee's expression and blessing made us feel deeply touched.

提到他钦点传闻中得宠的崔建邦拍档任司仪?He referred to rumors in the graces of the hand-picked running mate Cui Jianbang any master of ceremonies?

据她妈妈说,在张冯喜舅舅结婚的时候,司仪让她上台说几句。According to her mother, uncle got married in Zhangping Xi, master of ceremonies for her office to say something.

这让我产生了一种愉快、感激加如果司仪当众触摸我的脚趾头时,会感到的那种憎恶这三者感觉的古怪混合感。This evokes in me the weird blend of pleasure, gratitude, and revulsion I'd feel if the emcee publicly fondled my toes.

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不久它们将飞至迪斯尼世界,在那儿作为感恩节游行的最高名誉司仪。They'll be shortly flown to Disney World, where they will serve as Honorary Grand Marshals for the Thanksgiving Day Parade.

至少有44人丧生,包括新郎、新娘和司仪。一个有六个孩子的八口之家也全部遇难。At least 44 people, including the bride and groom, the imam, and an entire family of six children and their parents, were killed.

司仪要控制节目的流程、气氛、时间及处理突发情况。He or she is responsible for controlling the flow of the programme, molding the atmosphere, time-keeping and handling unexpected situations.