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和你的投资者通力合作。Collaborate with your investors.

我保证通力合作。I can assure you of our close cooperation.

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我认为当务之急是要通力合作。I believe now that cooperation is everything.

这是通力合作和民主作风的大发扬。This was cooperation and democracy at their best.

音乐家与剧作者通力合作。The musician and the librettist were collaborators.

——通力合作,携手应对气候变化挑战。Meet the climate challenge through full cooperation.

拍电影,应该是整个地区通力合作的过程。It should be a collaborative process for the whole region.

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要获得成功,所有这些全球分布的团队必须通力合作。To be successful, all of these teams must collaborate globally.

这需要政府、非赢利组织以及公司之间通力合作。It will take partnering with governments, non-profits and companies.

“疯享上海”将在上海各大星级宾馆的通力合作下茁壮成长。"Share Shanghai" will grow up under many star-level hotel's cooperate.

在线通力合作的成果是她迄今为止最充实、最丰富的工作。The outcome of that online collaboration is her densest, richest work yet.

我们奋战在第一线,通力合作为处在困苦中的孩子们营造安全网。We are on the front line, collaborating to provide a safety net for kids in distress.

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彼得•圣吉博士正是当中的代表,呼吁大家通力合作,推动一场「必要的革命」。Dr. Peter Senge is one who calls for collaborations to drive the necessary revolution.

这两种元素均是在利弗莫尔和俄国的科学家的通力合作下发现的。Both elements were discovered by a collaboration of scientists from Livermore and Russia.

从中我们看到中印在经济领域的通力合作。From the above, one can see the vigorous cooperation between China-India in economic field.

履任之初,奥巴马宣称他愿意与国会内的两党阵营通力合作。Obama began his presidency declaring a desire to work with both sides of the divided aisle.

各方必须通力合作,改善语文教学和学习方法。Concerted efforts must be made to further improve the teaching and learning of the language.

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同时诚望与各新老客户通力合作,共同拓展。We sincerely hope of fully cooper-ate with old and new cutomers. to achieve mutual progress.

我们将会和高露洁公司通力合作用最准确的语言和最精彩的多媒体效果完成这…We will work closely with Colgate-Palmolive to develop messaging and media advertising plans.

这不仅是国际通力合作的典范,还是人类创造力和求知欲的一座丰碑。A wonderful example of international cooperation, a monument to human ingenuity and curiosity.