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经历战火的磨练。Steeled by the flames of war.

斯巴达将被战火夷为平地!Spart will burn to the ground.

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他们在战火中也绝不会惊慌。Nor do they ever panic under fire.

只有我试着遏制这战火?。Am Ithe one to try to stop the fire?

战火轰隆,猩红的子弹在狂呼。War bellows blazing in scarlet batralions.

你宁愿偏安一隅,而不愿在战火中驰骋吗?And did you exchange a walk on part in the war

战火一刻也没有间断过。Never for a moment has the fire of war ceased.

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我们将坚持直到流尽最后一滴血,我们将在法国重燃战火。We shall go on to the end, we shall fight in France

为此曾经战火连天,无辜民众惨遭屠杀。Wars have been waged. Innocents have been slaughtered.

世界杯战火已经点燃,64场赛事更是让球迷过足看球隐。In total there will be 64 matches played at the world cup.

反抗者广播对于被战火撕裂的城市,是一种团结的力量。The rebel broadcasts act as a unifying force for the war-torn city.

移动产业,谁主沉浮,战火才刚刚燃起。The battle for supremacy in the mobile industry has only just begun.

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在战火不断的阿富汗,当地的人们也会偶尔去清洗下自己的车,给它打打蜡。Even in war torn Afghanistan a car needs the occasional wash and wax.

在战火中,这里几乎所有的人都或多或少的负过伤。Nearly every member of the group has scars or wounds from enemy fire.

希腊人在历史中,并非唯一频繁遭受战火的民族Now, the Greeks were not unique in history in constantly being at war.

科洛桑的表面在战火中被大片大片地夷为平地。Vast stretches of Coruscant's surface were laid to waste in the battle.

凡是雅卡的盟友都必须在战火的熔炉里接受试炼。All the best allies to Yaka must be proven in the furnace of affliction.

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只有经历过战火,才知道一个士兵是否是将才。The abilities of a soldier are never known until they have been blooded.

特瑞莎修女于1910年出生在阿尔巴尼亚的一家天主教难民营,彼时的阿尔巴尼亚正饱受战火摧残。Mother Teresa was born in 1910 in war-wracked Albania to Catholic refugees.

近日,市场销烟战火又开始密集。Recently, the market sells opium flames of war to begin again concentrated.