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以平实简单的语言编纂法规。Plain-language drafting of regulations.

属于或关于词典编纂法的。Of or relating to lexicography or a lexicon.

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贵溪市市志编纂委员会办公室?。Guixi City Shizhi Compiling Committee Office ?

我从事我这部词典的编纂工作已达10年之久。I have been engaged 10 years on my dictionary.

他从事这本词典的编纂工作已达10年之久。He has been engaged 10 years on the dictionary.

1912年任法典编纂会纂修。Codification will be appointed in 1912 Compilation.

一个佳编纂决不会放过一个印刷过错。A good editor never once leaves a misprint uncorrected.

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这种编纂法也反映了许慎的哲学思想。Such a structure reflects the philosophy of the writer.

他们说的英语正是字典编纂者喜欢的。And they spoke the English that the lexicographer loved.

美国词典编纂家诺亚·韦伯斯特喜欢这个单词。Noah Webster, the American word expert, liked this word.

他们初次可以不消为截稿日期和编纂而懊末路。For once, they did not worry about deadlines and editors.

编纂这部百科全书花了他好几年时间。It costed him several years to compile this encyclopedia.

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法典编纂是法律文化和法学的最高贡献。Codification is the highest contribution of jurisprudence.

法的编纂表现为法的系统化的最高形态。Codification is the highest form of legal systematization.

编纂者必须精于给词语下定义的技巧。Dictionary writer must is skilled in the art of definition.

有些辞典的编纂者用引文作例证以解释词义。Some dictionary writer use citation to show what word mean.

辞书编纂者必须精于给词语下定义的技巧。Dictionary writers must be skilled in ther art of definition.

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历史分期是历史编纂的核心问题之一。Periodization is one of the central issues in historiography.

山志是地方志中专志的一种,编纂历史源远流长。Orography is a kind of local gazetteer, it has a long history.

史志目录编纂与研究。Compilation and research of catalogue records in history books.