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他的脸上流露出怒容。Anger showed in his face.

海利站在门口怒容满面。They held up at the gate.

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他抬头一看,面露怒容。He glanced up with a scowl.

他满脸怒容。He scowled his displeasure.

她满面怒容。Her face was ablazed with anger.

她脸上含有一丝怒容。Her face held a suggestion of anger.

在她的怒容前,他的眼睛里显出畏惧的。His eyes quailed before her angry looks.

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彼得跳了起来,满脸怒容。Up jumped Peter with an angry on his face.

他的脸红红的,满脸怒容。His face was red, and he looked very angry.

老婆子伸直了腰,怒容满面。The old woman straightened herself up in a fury.

他坐在那儿,一脸阴沉的怒容。He was sitting there with a face of gloomy thunder.

她的责问和怒容,好象布满了整个房子。Her rebukes and angries are seemly full of all room.

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她的怒容等于告诉你,她不喜欢你。Her angry face amounts to her expression of not liking you.

话音未落,满脸怒容的农呈现了。Voice did not lie, a full face of farming presented the thunder.

哈里一直面带怒容,好像他是在与他内心的达西先生沟通。Harry scowls non-stop, as if he's channeling his inner Mr. Darcy.

那个妇女跳了起来,怒容满面,直瞪着那个家伙。Springing to her feet, her face wrathful, the woman stared at that fellow.

北风生雨、谗谤人的舌头也生怒容。The north wind brings forth rain, And a backbiting tongue, an angry countenance.

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那中年女子不答,只是不住的向她端相,满脸都是怒容。The middle-aged woman did not answer, but instead kept sizing her up, face full of anger.

法提克的妈妈向后退了几步,端详了下那陌生人—此时她的怒容竟转变为满脸的惊喜。But when his mother stepped back and looked at the stranger, her anger was changed to surprise.

他那长满又短又黑的浓须的瘦削的面庞,显露出满面怒容。His face, which had grown thin, and was covered with a thick, short, black heard, looked wrathful.