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他使劲地赶牛。He drove the ox hard.

我们使劲挤了出去。We muscled our way out.

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我的心岛也在海风中使劲摇移。My island sways in the wind.

艾舍斯特使劲吸了一口气。Ashurst took a mighty breath.

孩子们拉开嗓门使劲唱。The children sang out lustily.

别那么使劲揪绳子。Don't pull so hard at the rope.

他使劲扭门把手。He wrenched at the door-handle.

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我使劲把那箱子拖入室内。I lugged the box into the room.

她在他的脸颊上使劲地吻了一下。She planted a kiss on his cheek.

望着你的眼睛,我使劲的点着头。Look in your eyes, I began to nod.

她甚至激动的使劲跺脚。She even stomped angrily her foot.

她使劲捅了捅我的肋骨。She prodded me sharply in the ribs.

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他生气了,使劲把杯子掷下。He dashed the cup down in his anger.

他使劲指着钟打手势。He gesticulated wildly at the clock.

来,老兄,把这东西推推——使劲!Come on, baby, push this thing——hard!

他紧绷着肌肉使劲。He tensed his muscles for the effort.

她使劲搓热她冰冷的双手。She chafed her cold hands vigorously.

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那个溺水者使劲抓住一根树枝。The drowning man grasped at a branch.

我使劲点了点头,她就开始画了。I nodded eagerly as she began to draw.

他还真的朝我使劲摔门呢。He actually banged the door in my face.