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但李是大器晚成。But Li is a late bloomer.

自己属于大器晚成型。You belong to built type.

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大器晚成。Great talents flower late.

他是大器晚成。He reached success late in life.

很多伟人都是大器晚成型的。Many great men were late bloomers in life.

永远记住,大器晚成不意味着一无所成。Never forget, delay does not always mean denial.

村上春树大器晚成,29岁才写他的第一部作品。Murakami was a late bloomer, writing his first work at age 29.

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作为中国一流女星之一,大器晚成的李冰冰继2009年荣获金马影后之后,于2010年,再创佳绩,再添辉煌。in 2010 after she was crowned the Best Actress Award in 2009’s Golden Horse Film Festival.

她有点大器晚成,她有她的孩子,有她的事业,她真的是很强的。She's kind of a late bloomer, she had her kid, she's having a career and she's really strong.

尽管弗兰克是大器晚成,可他的成就几乎是同龄人无法比拟的。Although Frank is a late bloomer, his accomplishment can hardly be equaled by people of his age.

中国古典小说的发展相对于其他文学语体来说,可以说是“大器晚成”。In contrast to other literary genres, development of the Chinese classical novels seems too delayed.

六个月后,大器晚成的李娜没有了时间和体能再去经历这番涅槃重生。Six months later, Li, the late bloomer, has run out of time and the ability to play through the pain.

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他属于大器晚成型,第二职业是律师,正好比Cathy大五岁高两英寸。He was a late bloomer, a second-career lawyer who was exactly five years older and two inches taller than Cathy.

但是,大器晚成的宗庆后却以自己不懈的实践,让浙商形象渐渐变得清晰起来。However, Zong Qinghou, who was succeeded in his late life , let the image of Zhejiang businessmen become more and more clear by his continuous efforts.

与其他诗人相比,39岁才成名的弗罗斯特可谓大器晚成,但他一生中享有的荣誉却是同时代的其他美国诗人所难以比拟的。He did not earn his reputation until he was 39, but the honors he enjoys throughout his career are unparalleled to any other American poets of his time.

严复任职北洋水师学堂期间与李鸿章的关系曾引起人们的关注,一般以“怀才不遇”说明严复的悲剧,但此说不能真实反映出大器晚成的思想家严复的成长境遇。Although the popular view of " unrecognized talent" could explain his tragedy, it couldn't really reflect his growth situation as a thinker with great talent matures slowly.

如果我早点知道我大器晚成是有原因的,并且是我不能控制的,我就不会在我二三十岁的时候如此努力的工作。Had I known earlier, though, that there was a reason beyond my control to explain why I was a low achiever, I may not have worked so hard in my late 20s and early 30s. I was writing and writing.

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作为中国一流女星之一,大器晚成的李冰冰继2009年荣获金马影后之后,于2010年,再创佳绩,再添辉煌。Late-blooming Li Bingbing, one of the A-list actresses in China, adds brilliance to her achieved splendor in 2010 after she was crowned the Best Actress Award in 2009’s Golden Horse Film Festival.