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钢铁是战略物资。Steel is a strategic material.

水既是战略物资又是生命的基础。Water is strategic material, and also is base of life.

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钛是国家重要战略物资。Titanium is an important strategic material of the country.

天然橡胶为四大工业原料之一,也是极为重要的战略物资。Natural rubber is one of the four main rural materials for industry.

逐步实现重要战略物资进口市场多元化。We will gradually diversify China's import markets for strategic supplies.

天然橡胶是重要的工业原料和战略物资。Natural rubber is a kind of crucial industrial stuff and strategic material.

石油是稀缺的不可再生的资源,是国民经济发展的重要战略物资。As a non-renewable and rare resource, petroleum is strategically related to national economy revitalization.

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羊毛是蒙疆地区三大资源之一,又是重要战略物资。Fleece was one of the 3 main resources in Meng Jiang area and it was also a kind of important strategic material.

石油作为一种战略物资,其价格波动与预测历来是研究的重点领域。Oil as a strategic material, the fluctuation and forecast of its price has always been the focus of the research area.

家畜是“蒙疆”地区主要资源之一,又是重要战略物资。Livestock was one of the major resources in the "Mongolian territory" and it was also a very important strategic material.

粮食是关系国计民生安全的重要战略物资,各国政府普遍采取保护政策。As food is the most essential and strategic material for any countries, every government protects it with protective policies.

鉴于北约对平壤的制裁现实,实在很难让人相信北朝鲜会有能力搞到北约的战略物资。Due to sanctions against Pyongyang and its few allies, it is hardly credible that North Korea could obtain NATO-grade ordnance.

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石油是具有不可再生性和稀缺性的资源,是关系着国民经济振兴和国家经济安全的战略物资。Petroleum, which is a non-renewable and scarce resource, is very important to the development and security of the national economy.

石油是具有不可再生性和稀缺性的资源,是关系到国计民生和经济安全的战略物资。As a non-renewable and rare resource, petroleum is strategically related to national economy revitalization and national economic security.

在展览馆大门口,赫鲁晓夫先生以嘲弄的口气抗议美国针对苏联的战略物资禁运。At the gate of the Exhibition, Mr. Khrushchev voiced a gibe about the United States ban on the shipment of strategic goods to the Soviet Union.

粮食是关系国计民生安全的重要战略物资,对粮食生产与贸易进行保护是各国政府普遍实行的一种特殊政策。Grain is the key strategic asset for the national economy. So countries invariably apply special protective policy over it production and trade.

地球上能源是有限的,尤其石油资源是不可再生的,因此石油成为全球性战略物资。As the energy on the earth is limited, especially the oil resource is non-renewable, therefore the petroleum becomes a global strategic resource.

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石油做为一种关系到国家安全的战略物资,在影响中美关系的诸多因素中作用日益突出。As a strategic resource that relates national security, the petroleum is more prominently to the Chinese and American relations in many factors in the future.

石油被称为“黑色的金子”、“工业的血液”,是国家经济社会发展和国防必须的重要战略物资。Petroleum known as "black gold" "blood of industry" is the necessary strategic material which plays an important role in economic development and national defence.

政治风险一直是跨国公司跨国经营的一个敏感而又复杂的问题,尤其对于像经营石油这样的政治商品和战略物资的企业而言。Political risk is always a sensitive and complicated issue for MNCs, especially for those corporations running political goods and strategic materials such as oil.