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PLA下一次会使用多得多的榴弹炮。Next time, the PLA will use a lot more than just howitzers.

在重新不再是一个“跳过点”或榴弹炮的枪。There is no longer a "skip point" on either howitzer's gun.

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榴弹炮由一名额外的舱外炮手控制。An additional exterior gunner controls the projectile cannon.

榴弹炮和火箭精度已略有下降5个百分点。Howitzer and Rocket Accuracy has been slightly decreased by 5 points.

“他们正在使用榴弹炮在30公里外发起射击,”他说。“They are using their grenades to shoot up to 30 kilometers,” she said.

核弹轮现在火灾与一个标准的榴弹炮射击轨迹。The nuke round now fires with the trajectory of a standard howitzer shot.

我看到八路军部队配有美制105毫米榴弹炮和火箭筒,以及一些弹药。Soldiers I saw had mobile American 105s and bazookas with some ammunition.

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大约35分钟过后,韩国的榴弹炮向海中打了三炮。About 35 minutes later, the South fired three howitzer shells into the sea.

而且我并不会觉得羞愧的说,枪的咆哮和榴弹炮的轰鸣声几乎让我想哭。And I'm not ashamed to say the roar of guns and cannons almost made me cry.

他们没有坦克,唯一的火炮还是老掉牙的75毫米榴弹炮。They had no tanks and their only artillery were obsolescent 75mm howitzers.

国防军闪电学42型突击榴弹炮对步兵的杀伤范围略增。Wehrmacht StuH 42 weapon does marginally increased area damage to infantry.

工程师现在可以正确地建造在单人战役榴弹炮。Engineers can now properly construct howitzers during the single player campaign.

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绿色抵抗武装在城市入口附近的一个村庄,捕获了2枚155毫米榴弹炮。A village near the city entrance, 2 155mm howitzers pieces captured by green resistance.

本文采用拉格朗日方法研究了牵引榴弹炮在牵引行驶状况下的动力学问题。The running dynamical response of a towed howitzer was studied applying the Lagrangian method.

这种炮被称为步兵榴弹炮是因为炮手们和拉炮的马一起步行前往战场。The term foot artillery applies because the gunners walk into battle alongside the draft animals.

成队的军用卡车拖着榴弹炮,沿坑坑洼洼的山路前行,士兵们在泥地里演练,在乡下每隔半英里就出现一座军事基地,瞭望塔在铁丝网背后拔地而起。Convoys of army trucks haul howitzers along rutted mountain roads. Soldiers drill in muddy fields.

保证玩家能在卡昂第一关开始时获得足够制造榴弹炮的油料。Ensured that the player would start with enough fuel to build a Howitzer at the start of Caen M01.

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在近距离战斗中,榴弹炮能用霰弹直接把敌军队列打得粉碎,如同一把大号的短管霰弹枪一般。In close action, they can fire canister rounds directly into enemy formations, like giant sawn-off shotguns.

该重型装甲的火炮能解决那些其它榴弹炮和火炮解决不了的问题。The trunk of this heavy vehicle is able to solve such problems that cannot be solved by other howitzers and guns.

修正了在与被榴弹炮楼前陷阱问题“无形”与新的增强型地图。Corrected issue with traps in front of the building with the howitzer being "invisible" with the new enhanced maps.