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我要纵情欢度此生,我要挥霍我的人生。I will spend, squander, dazzle.

只知纵情享乐,而不知他已面临祸殃。He knows pleasure but not disaster.

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在加州旅馆他们纵情狂欢?。They livin' it up at the Hotel California?

在你仍然能够这样做的时候纵情于性的模式化观念。Revel in gender stereotypes while you still can.

乐队演奏萨尔萨舞曲,观众们纵情跳舞。A band played salsa, and spectators danced wildly.

你瞭解那快乐是丰足的饮宴者,纵情狂欢的饮乐吗?Joy of the plenteous dinner, strong carouse and drinking?

他栖身于里维拉旅馆,纵情于声色,游戏于工作。He holes up in the Hotel Rivera and plays at love and odd jobs.

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人们一旦纵情于她,她就永远不会彻底离开。Rumour never disappears entirely once people have indulged her.

我在看——不,我还是不告诉你我纵情阅读的内容了。I am reading——no, I am not going to tell you my reading debauches.

纵情声色只是其中的杰出代表。Sultriness is one of the most remarkable character of such desire.

树枝上的小鸟们此时此刻纵情歌唱。Every bird on the boughs of the tree sings now to his heart and soul.

“那真妙极了,”她的妹妹补充了一句,于是姐妹俩都纵情大笑。"That is capital, " added her sister, and they both laughed heartily.

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文人置身山水,纵情山水,寄意山水留下了一首首动人的山水诗篇。Literator leave behind countless poems when they riot in the landscape.

去年他纵情花费,买了一台新的25英寸的电视机,到现在还叫他心疼。Last year's indulgence, a new 25-inch television, still makes him wince.

我的手鼓纵情唱,唱不尽美好的新生活。My hand drum to one's heart's content sings, sings the unhappy new life.

吉斯伯恩是一个让你纵情享受美酒佳肴的城市。Gisborne is a city where you can indulge in gourmet dining and wine tasting.

让你自己和对方都纵情于不同的体位。Indulge yourself and knowledge your partner in different lovemaking positions.

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这是呈现的第一个小题目,接着你年夜概不会整晚都纵情了。That is the first minus point. And after that you might not enjoy the whole night.

纵情于此五毒者,正制造著自己的苦难。People who unrestrainedly engage in the five poisons are creating their own misery.

入夜,村寨鼓乐相闻,人们纵情歌舞,热闹非凡。At night, the village drum phase smell, people indulge in song and dance, boisterous.