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病菌会侵入机体。Germs invade the organism.

病菌会侵入肌体。Germs invade the organism.

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这些方法不杀死病菌。These methods do not kill germs.

疾病常由“病菌”造成。Disease is usually caused by germs.

他的伤口熏染了病菌。He infected his wound with disease germs.

搓手的行为能帮忙去除病菌。The rubbing action helps remove germs germs.

那么嘉吉公司难道不会为病菌测试感到不安么?Did Cargill not bother to test for pathogens?

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这类超级病菌中,最常见的是“抗药性金黄葡萄球菌”。One of the most prevalent of these superbugs is MRSA.

JK-2菌株对病菌孢子萌发也有较强的抑制作用。It had strong antagonistic effect on spore germination.

“多年来我们看到的都是这些同样的病菌,”Tierno说。"We've seen these same strains for years, " said Tierno.

通常根据分离到的病菌进行进一步治疗。Furth treatment usually depends on the organism isolated.

组胺反应是病菌引起的。Histamine reactions were produced by the presence of germs.

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另外牛这类家畜也会感染这个病菌。Other kinds of animals including caws also get coccidiosis.

适于番茄早疫病菌生长及产孢的PH值都为7。PH7 was the most suitable for the growth and sporulation of A.

听说,土葱会由于病菌而正在越日凌晨变乌。It said the onion would be black in the morning from the germs.

沙门氏菌是一种最普遍的引起食物中毒的病菌。Salmonella is the most common bacterial form of food poisoning.

每个表面都可能为病菌的传播提供机会。Every surface presents an opportunity for germs to hitchhike out.

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如果病菌突破这道防线,后天免疫系统就开始发挥作用。If germs breach that line of defense, adaptive immunity kicks in.

过度使用抗病毒药会帮助病菌产生抗药性。Overusing antiviral drugs can help germs become resistant to them.

非洲菊白粉病菌孢子的发芽管。Fig. 2. Germ tubes of conidia of the gerbera powdery mildew fungus.