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气胸是此类疾病最常见的症状。Pneumothorax is the most common presentation of this disorder.

本文报告一位十九岁女性出现右侧气胸。A 19-year-old female presented with symptoms of right-sided pneumothorax.

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方法分析48例老年人双侧自发性气胸的临床资料。Methods chnical date of 48 double spontaneous pneumothorax was analysised.

自发性气胸、肺大疱切除可列为首选治疗术式。It can be used as the first choice for spontaneous pneumothorax and bullae of lung.

目的介绍一种改良的胸腔闭式引流系统用于气胸的治疗。Objective To introduce a type of modified closed drainage for treatment of pneumothorax.

目的研究老年人双侧自发性气胸的发生原因及治疗特点。Objective To study the character of the therapy of aged double spontaneous pneumothorax.

结论胸腔镜治疗自发性气胸安全有效。Conclusion Thoracoscope in the treatment of spontaneous pneumothorax is safe and effective.

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脓胸、脓气胸、气量较少可反复多次穿刺。The pyothorax, the pyopneumothorax, the spirit little may repeatedly the multiple puncture.

加压过高时能排余气并发声报警,避免发生气胸,提高抢救效果。When pressure exceeds limit, it will release gas and give voice alarm to avoid pneumothorax.

HSCT受者较易出现气胸或纵隔、皮下气肿。HSCT recipients are prone to appearing pneumothorax or pneumomediastinum, subcutaneous emphysema.

目的探讨自发性气胸的临床特点、处理及预后。Objective To investigate clinical characters, treatment and prognosis of spontaneous pneumothorax.

目的总结电视胸腔镜下治疗自发性气胸的体会。Objective To summarize the experience of treat spontaneous pneumothorax by thoracoscope operation.

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线显示右侧气胸,可见心影左移。This radiograph demonstrates a right pneumothorax. Note the displacement of the heart to the left.

结论细管胸腔闭式引流是一种较好的治疗气胸的方法。Conclusion Closed drainage of thoracic cavity with tubule is an effective way to treat pneumothorax.

拍胸片以确定静脉内导管的位置和可能发生的气胸。M. Obtain a chest film to identify the position of the intravenous line and a possible pneumothorax.

本组病例未发生气胸、内出血和感染等重要穿刺并发症。No complication such as entorrhagia, pneumothorax and infection had occurred due to puncture biopsy.

当气胸发生在月经来潮时要怀疑胸腔子宫内膜异位症。When pneumothorax occurs temporally with menstrual cycles, catamenial pneumothorax should be suspected.

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肺大疱与局限性气胸在诊断上容易混淆,治疗方法上亦有所不同。Emphysema bullae is easily mixed with localized pneumothorax and they should be treated in a different way.

结果老年自发性气胸是多发肺部基础病变,病情重,并发症多。Results Old-prone spontaneous pneumothorax is the basis of lung disease, severe illness, complications and more.

结论采用电视腔镜手术治疗气胸、血气胸安全、有效、微创。Conclusions VATS is a safe, effective and mini-invasive way to treat spontaneous pneumothorax and hemopneumothorax.