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请看一段太阳耀斑的视频Watch a video of the solar flare.

那种事情大多是由太阳耀斑造成的。That sort of thing is caused more by solar flares.

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行星的路线影响了太阳耀斑活动。This magically kick-starts the sun's flare activity.

在左侧的活动区域中跳起一个小耀斑。A small flare rises from the active area on the left.

射电快速精细结构及微耀斑研究。The study of radio fast fine structures and microflares.

2010年9月8日,从太阳表面爆发处的C3级耀斑。On Sept. 8, 2010, a C3-class solar flare erupts from the Sun.

太阳耀斑发射出的什么东西会有这种效果呢?What could the flare send forth that could have such an effect?

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图中的耀斑呈一条横跨左侧太阳地平线的白线。This one paints a white line across the left horizon of the Sun.

就太阳风暴而言,情人节这天的耀斑其实算温和的。As solar storms go, the Valentine's Day flare was actually modest.

请看情人节太阳耀斑引起的极光照片See pictures of auroras generated by the Valentine's Day solar flare.

直感休息室服务休闲耀斑和轻松的气氛一整天。Xenia Lounge serves casual flare and a relaxed atmosphere all day long.

一种可能的原因是这种爆炸很像有超级能量的太阳耀斑。One possibility is that the blast was like an ultra-powerful solar flare.

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本文还逐月分析了1996—2001年南北半球的耀斑指数。The solar flare index for the interval from 1996-2001 is also investigated.

你只不过看到了激烈活动的太阳上数千个年轻的耀斑之一。You are envisioning just one of thousands of young spicules on the active Sun.

光晕渲染出辐射的太阳耀斑,有机的赤热,日蚀和小束极光。Corona renders radiant solar flares, organic glows, eclipses and wispy auroras.

同样地,宇宙射线和太阳耀斑的辐射也会损害机电系统的功效。Similarly, cosmic and solar flare radiations degrade electro-mechanical systems.

太阳耀斑和日冕物质抛射都能产生对地球有影响的空间天气。Both flares and coronal mass ejections can create space weather if aimed at Earth.

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与此同时,太阳右侧则发生M-1耀斑和日冕物质抛射。At the same time, the sun is the right place M-1 flares and coronal mass ejections.

不,那是耀斑爆发,它与日珥都是色球层上的景观。No, it was flare eruptions, which are the chromosphere and prominence on the landscape.

耀斑等离子体流的这种东、西不对称性流动的可能起因也作了讨论。The possible cause of such an east-west asymmetry of flow of flare-plasma is also discussed.