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他破门盗窃了办公室。He'd burgled the office.

他来了一个远射,但没有破门。He gave a long shot, but missed the goal.

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当运动员错过一个非常简单的破门良机时。When a player misses an easy chance to score.

小偷在夜间破门进入住宅。The thief broke into the house during the night.

小偷破门进入房间。The thief bashed the door in and entered the room.

屋主外出度假时,有贼破门进入。Thief broke out the door when the owner was on vocation.

屋主外出度假时,有贼破门进入。A thieve broke in when the house owner went out on vacation.

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窃贼破门进入宫殿偷走了国王的金银财宝。Thieves break into the palace and steal the king's treasure.

我相信当所有人都调整好之后,我们能够制造更多破门的机会。I believe when everyone is fit we can create clear cut chances.

查尔斯再次得分,与第一次破门如出一辙。Charless scored again, with an exact duplicate of his first goal.

警察还没来得及破门进入,小偷就已跳窗逃窜了。The thief had jumped out of the window before the police broke in.

我记得亨利轻挑一个球越过他头顶,然后破门。I remember Thierry Henry flicking a ball over his head and scoring.

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一个侧翼的任意球战术破门,让陕西队带着三分回家。One lateral free kick was enough for them to take the three points.

在舍瓦的进球之后我们有更多的机会破门。After Sheva's goal we had more chances to strike with our fastbreak.

直到辛克莱禁区斜角的梦幻施射才破门。That was until Sinclair cracked it home with a fantastic diagonal shot.

在这之后,哈维破门,梅西也点球命中攻入本场比赛巴萨第三个进球。After that, Xavi scored, Messi rolled in the third from the penalty spot.

在此之后,俄罗斯攻势凶猛,史切夫两次险些破门。Russia looked menacing after the break and Dmitry Sychev twice went close.

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他喜欢破门得分,而他今天未能进球实在是不走运。He loves to score goals and was unlucky not to get on the scoresheet today.

当外面有人等您一起跑时,破门而出容易多了。It is easier to get out the door when another person is meeting you to run.

比赛进行到第35分钟,巴西队开出角球,胡安头球破门,为球队首开纪录。Juan opened the scoring in the 35th minute with a header off a corner kick.