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紧随其后,一款两厢车和SUV车型将面市。A hatchback and a SUV will quickly follow.

这款智能手表将于2012年面市。The watch will go on general sale in 2012.

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它有望于2012年面市。It is expected to reach the market by 2012.

由一位女性修正的新版本上个月面市了。A new edition, revised by a woman, arrives this month.

好像有这样的情况,否则像iH20W这样的产品就不会面市。It seems so otherwise products like the iH20W wouldn’t exist.

一种扩散处理黄玉近期在珠宝市场上面市。A variety of the diffused topaz is discovered in gem markets recently.

他表示,土豆皮做成的包装袋将于18个月内面市。He said the potato peeling packages may appear on shelves within 18 months.

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这款宝马小字辈越野车,预计2011年初面市,基于1系紧凑型。This baby SUV from BMW, due in early 2011, is based on the 1-series compact.

过去一年中,我们发现有很多所谓的IPHONE杀手面市。We've seen a lot of so called i-phone killers come to market over the last year.

这款汽车最早可在明年秋季正式上市销售,这比原计划的面市时间晚了两年。So the car could be in US garages as early as next autumn, after two years of delays.

1999年,“百味林”品牌建立并全国全面推广面市,市场反响热烈,销售创佳绩。In 1999, the " Baiweilin " brand to market, market response overwhelming sales success.

任天堂双屏掌上游戏机预计将于本月晚些时候在美国面市。S. stores later this month. Reggie Fils-Aime is an executive vice-president with Nintendo.

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激光笔已面市好几年了,但它的使用范围有限。Although the laser pointer has been on the market for several years, use have been limited.

总部横滨的日产则将展示它即将于下一财年面市的“叶子”电动车。Yokohama-based Nissan will show its Leaf electric car, to be sold starting next fiscal year.

E61可获得的应用软件的清单甚至在它面市超过一年之后仍十分惨淡。Even after being out for over a year the list of apps available for the E61 was pretty dismal.

面市于1993年夏季,火弩箭是迄今世界上最快的比赛用扫帚。Released in the summer of 1993, the Firebolt is currently the fastest racing broom in the world.

这些驱动因素对加快业务解决方案的面市产生了巨大的压力。And these drivers are creating unrelenting pressure to get the business solution to market quickly.

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三星已经确定即将推出市场的19英寸笔记本电脑,这款产品预期将在今年年底面市。Samsung has already unleashed its upcoming 19-inch laptop. The product is expected to ship later this year.

索尼的首款3-D电视机将于6月10日在日本面市,这款46英寸的电视机售价350,000日圆。The first Sony 3-D models will be available in Japan June 10, with a 46-inch model selling for 350,000 yen.

今年有43个放映厅即将面市,明年随即有100个完工,后年的数目会略微超过100个。Another 43 screens are due to open this year, followed by nearly 100 next year and slightly more the year after.