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然后把肉挂起来自然风干。The meat is then hung out to dry.

最佳配食腊味、风干肉类。Best food match sausage &dry meat.

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浅灰色的油漆已经风干。Her light-gray paint job has dried.

这些建筑都是由风干的砖坯砌成。These buildings are made of adobe brick.

木材经过风干可以防止腐烂。Air-drying can prevent wood rotting away.

灰蓝鲨的尾巴,一条条的,在那里风干the blue-gray shark tails are hung up to dry

只要抹一些慕丝或发胶,然后让它自然风干。Just use mousse or gel and then let it air-dry.

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花朵风干后能保持原有的颜色。Flowers, when air-dried, will retain their color.

晨光风干了我的泪滴,我却把你藏在了心底。The dry my tears, I have made you hide in my heart.

将妳旳影子风干,到老旳时候拿来下酒。Will your shadow dry, to the old when used with wine.

我司主要生产保鲜姜和风干姜。Fresh Ginger and Air-dry Ginger are our main products.

是郎给的快乐,我风干了寂寞。Is Lang Gei the joy, my air seasoning has been lonely.

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农家屋檐下挂着一架架正在风干的鱼。Racks of drying fish hang under the eaves of farmhouses.

风干的奶豆腐可以保存很久。Dried milk curd can be preserved for an extremely long time.

将衣服展开后,自然风干就可以了。Let the garment air-dry after you've finished stretching it.

用一块干净的或一次性的毛巾,又或者是风干机弄干你的双手。Dry your hands with a clean or disposable towel or air dryer.

然后,他们应该被风干,或拍了拍用软布干。They should then be air-dried or patted dry with a soft cloth.

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可以尝试和冷盘风干肉与佩科里诺干酪一起享用。Try it together with a cold cut platter, and wedges of Pecorino.

一具在智利沙漠发现的自然风干的新克罗小孩木乃伊。A naturally mummified Chinchorro child found in a Chilean desert.

把影子,腌起来,风干,老的时候,下酒。Pickling and drying the shadow to go with wine when you grow old.