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罗伯塔像往常一样迟到了。Roberta was late as usual.

黛拉和往常一样哭着,咳嗽着。Della cried as usual. Coughed.

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他到得比往常早。He arrived earlier than usual.

她像往常一样噘着嘴。Her mouth held its usual pout.

这堂课比往常的时间要长。This lesson was longer than usual.

祖母像往常一样说教。Grandmother was moralizing as usual.

我像往常一样不高兴地坐在书桌旁。I sat at my desk unhappily as usual.

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艾丽斯一如往常地来去匆匆。Alice was in a tearing hurry as usual.

连阿拉莫也不像往常那样气定神闲。Even Álamo wasn't his usual calm self.

一天,我像往常一样骑车去上学。One day I rode bike to school as usual.

陪审员的判词一如往常。The jury had returned the usual verdict.

像往常一样,我们希望听听你的意见。As usual, we'd like to hear your opinion.

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往常你能够在上放工的途中睡觉啦!Now you can sleep while you're on the go!

分析者像往常一样开始了她的会谈。The analysand began her session as usual.

往常有些祛痘产品真的太多了!Always some acne products really too much!

因为和往常一样,它的水洒了一半。As usual, he had spilled half of his load.

那天晚上莫瑞斯像往常一样上了床。That evening Maurice went to bed as usual.

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像往常一样,涂着黑漆的中国玩具而已。As usual Chinese toy with black body paint.

有一天他比往常还待得久一点。One day he remained still longer than usual.

一天,象往常一样,拉塞尔先生去上班。One day, as usual, Mr. Russell went to work.