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目的制备番茄红素油树脂微囊,并对其稳定性进行考察。ObjectiveTo prepare lycopene oil resin microcapsule and study its stability.

因此,番茄红素油树脂需隔氧、避光、低温保存。So the storage of lycopene oleoresin needs avoiding light and oxygen, cryopreservation.

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此外,他日常的伙食总不过水煮蔬菜和素油汤。With that exception, his ordinary diet consisted only of vegetables boiled in water, and oil soup.

结果表明,温度、光和氧气均对番茄红素油树脂的稳定性有较强影响。It was found that temperature, light and oxygen had strong influence to the stability of lycopene oleoresin.

其做法是将豆腐切成长方块,以素油炸成黄色的豆腐泡,然后下调料、辅料炖煮。Its approach is to tofu cut into the box to vegetable oil into pieces of tofu yellow bubble, and then under the spices, accessories stew.

连接32个TFT32发送器在网络中并运行格林黄素油库软件显示的水平,监测继电器状态,坦克和数据记录的水平。Connect up to 32 TFT32 Transmitters in a network and run Greyline TFS Tank Farm Software to display levels, monitor relay status, and data log tank levels.

同时公司经营薄荷脑、薄荷素油、留兰香油、薰衣草油、椒样薄荷油等天然香料及进口甜橙油、甜橙油萜等产品。At the same time, we deal in menthol crystals, dementholized mint oil, spearmint oil, lavender oil, menthe piperita oil and imported orange oil and citrus terpene and so on.

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我司是国际知名的多种天然合成香料的资深供应商,专业生产经营薄荷脑,薄荷素油,留兰香油等。Shanghai GreenLeaf Perfumery Co. , Ltd are an experienced manufacturer & supplier who mainly handle Natural Menthol Crystals. Dementholized Peppermint Oil, Spearmint Oil, etc.

用有机溶剂从番茄原料中提取番茄红素油树脂,采用皂化法与重结晶相结合的方法来纯化番茄红素油树脂得到番茄红素晶体。Lycopene oleoresin were extracted from pre-disposaled tomatoes, then lycopene oleoresin were purified by using saponification and recrystallization method to form lycopene crystals.

采用超临界CO2流体萃取技术,对番茄红素油树脂中的有机溶剂残留进行反向萃取。The organic solvent residue of lycopene oleoresin was removed with reverse supercritical CO2 fluid extraction under various combinations of pressure, temperature, flow rate of CO2 and extraction time.