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这是一个电影胶卷。It’s a film reel.

她的相机容易上胶卷。Her camera loads easily.

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我宥一卷彩色胶卷。I've gotspool of color film.

胶卷己装好待用。The film is spooled for use.

你怎么给这个照相机上胶卷?How do you thread the camera?

你为何如此执着于胶卷?Why are you obsessed with film?

宝丽来胶卷感光性非常强。Polaroid film is very sensitive.

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我一直想着那卷胶卷。I keep thinking that bag of film.

这台相机里有胶卷吗?。Is there any film in this camera?

我要买一卷24张装的柯达胶卷。Can I have a 24-exposure roll of Kodak?

我老在想我那装胶卷的提包。I keep thinking about that bag of film.

我们的相机可以在日光下装胶卷。Our camera could be loaded in daylight.

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把精油储存在胶卷盒里。The oil was stored in a film cannister.

她忘了给相机装胶卷了。She forgot to load her camera with film.

新闻报纸卷或胶卷硬纸筒的固定。To fasten newspaper or hard film cylinder.

我这胶卷上还存下四张未拍。I still have 4 exposures left on this film.

柯尼卡胶卷使彩色摄影更上一层楼。A camera supplies the data for colour sorting.

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胶卷盒里发生了什么?。What action happened inside the film canister?

机器的这个部分是用来卷胶卷的。This part of machine is for taking up the film.

我希望X光机不会损坏我的胶卷。I hope the X-ray machine doesn’t damage my film.