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他从学理改为学文。He changed from science to art.

你要么学文,要么学理。You either study arts or science.

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我国的立法与学理传统基本接近大陆法系。P. R. China is a civil law country.

第二章介绍了社区新闻的学理建构。The second chapter of the Community News of the academic building.

本课题即对此现象在学理层次所做的广告理论应对研究。This article makes relevant advertising theoretical study on doctrinal levels.

这项共相是佛学和美学建立亲和关系的学理基础。This same form is the basis on which Buddhism and aesthetics set the affinity.

在知识层面上就是价值与事实关系的学理。It is a Xue-Li about the relation between value and fact on the knowledge layer.

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人性恶理论从学理上和实践上都存有悖谬与危害。The conception that man is born vice is poor as a theory and harmful in practice.

这种学理上的分类对立法和司法具有理论指导意义。Those academic grouping is of constructive significance to legislation and judiciary.

第二部分,从学理的角度对受贿罪的“为他人谋取利益”要件展开论述。The second part, from the Angle of the theory of corruption "seek interests for others".

主要侧重于学理方面的解读,以便确立全文论述的基点。The main focus on the academic , in order to establish the discussion points in the text.

在中国乃至世界美术领域,女性主义艺术批评缺乏学理上系统梳理和人类学意义上的建设性省思。In the art field in China and the world, the feminist lack of the research and construction.

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这种表述逻辑可能对习惯法研究的理路回归更具有学理意义。Such the logic of statements may be a more theoretical significance to the study of customary law.

本文用系统功能语言学理探讨了现代英语主位化的规律。The present paper studies thematization in modern English in terms of systemic-functional grammar.

网恋的社会心理分析不仅具有学理价值,而且具有现实意义。It is both academically and practically valuable to analyze net love from socio-psychological angle.

第二章从思想内容的角度论述汉初鸿文的学理渊源。The second chapter discusses the theory source of Early Han Great Essay from the ideological content.

基于传热学理沦,对挤出成型塑料管材的冷却过程进行了分析并建立了数学模型。The cooling process of plastics pipe extrusion was analyzed and modeled based on heat transfer theory.

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牟宗三与康德有着相似的人生和迥异的性格,更有着“斩不断,理还乱”的学理相关性。Mou Tsung-san and Kant have similar life, different character, and even the close theoretical pertinence.

学理讨论的投影片是课程讨论进行的基础,但是我们在课堂中将对该资料作更进一步的推广。The theory-discussion slides are the basis for class discussion, but we expand on this material in class.

然而,对于这类机构的研究,无论在学理上还是实践方面都为数甚少。However, researches on those organizations, including relevant theories as well as investigations are few.