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一串串绿萝,挂在我当年尘封的窗。Green vines, out of my dusty window.

尘封以后只是我的回忆罢了!Just my memory after closed-door just!

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寻一场梦,尘封在记忆中的胶片。Looking for a dream, dust-laden film in memory.

反特大案为何尘封六十年。Reverse super-large case why ice-age sixty years.

往日的笑语也已稀落,尘封在心。Yesterday's laughter was dusty deep in the heart.

木匣子里的信件,尘封着少年的回忆。Letters in the case sealing the memory of the youth.

许多机器尘封在地下室里。Many of the machines are gathering dust in basements.

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可是时过境迁,那已经成为尘封的历史。But times had changed, it has become a dust-laden history.

缺乏自信让心灵稽首,更让精神尘封。Self-distrust bows the heart and turns spirit back to dust.

我们脆弱的灵魂躺着饮泣,尘封在睡眠中,在铅做的球中。Our fragile souls lie weeping, sealed in sleep and balls of lead.

当过去的一切确定尘封,能打开的只有未来。When all the identified past dust-laden , open only to the future.

那就拿出尘封已久的日记本,或者新建一个word文档,试一试吧。So dust off that old diary, or open up a Word document, and try it.

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姜仁惠及其家族的尘封历史开始浮出水面。Jen-Huey Chiang and his family began to emerge of the dust-laden history.

那个时代的一点点遗产多半被放在博物馆里,或尘封已久的历史书中。Only ghosts of that era remain, mainly in museums and dusty history books.

焦虑、恐惧、缺乏自信则让心稽首,更让心灵的青春尘封。Worry, fear, self-distrust bows the heart and turns the spring back to dust.

我将咖啡罐的盖子盖好,也将所有关于他的记忆尘封起来。The lid goes back on the coffee just like closure on the whole he experience.

我们不会从尘封的盒子中取出它来给小我们一半的一代人看。We won't dust them off from a box and show them to a generation half our age.

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而这一切都证明了,我尘封了多年的情感并没有空等。But all this has proved over the years, I ice-age emotional and no empty, etc.

曾经我们多么团结一处,而那些回忆早已尘封心底。How much we have been united one, and those memories have long dust-laden heart.

那篇未完成小说任然在抽屉底下发着,那些构思的画作也在尘封在工作室。That novel stays in the bottom drawer. That painting gathers dust in your studio.